Consumer products represent the largest industry on a global scale. Consumer goods sales make up nearly two thirds of the total world trade. Given the similarity of the product choice offered by market players, companies struggle to make their brands well-known and gain customer loyalty.
The consumer products market have undergone some changes in the XXI century: the supply and distribution channels expanded, international trade conditions were improved, new marketing strategies were worked out. Meanwhile, the demand for consumer products rises, and the competitive landscape becomes increasingly fierce. Products safety and environmental friendliness are the most burning issues nowadays. To hold stable position and respond to the market challenges, companies constantly upgrade their manufacturing techniques, increase capacities, diversify product ranges and seek effective ways to attract new customers.
The research reports within this catalogue highlight the consumer products industry and market dynamics with focus on companies’ performance. The reports provide profiles of various players active in the consumer goods market. Extensive analyses of market strategies developed by consumer products companies, major market drivers and restrains, the market segmentation and opportunities can be found in the research studies. Thorough examinations of the market development trends and common industry products are also offered in the reports.
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