Franchise stands for a specific form of enterprise organization, wherein a blue chip (franchisor) establishes an ongoing contract relationship with other firms (franchisees) conducting guided operations under the former company’s trademark for a consideration. There exist crowds of franchise business types in various industries, with McDonald's, Domino's Pizza, 7-Eleven, Subway, and the UPS Store, among some others, residing the top of the chart.
Franchising has grown into a highly appealing mode of business management in modern-world marketplace. With the Franchise Market’s outlook showing positive signs worldwide, though, the industry has not fully circled back to the dynamics prior to the lattermost recession yet. Personal services (healthcare centers, massage therapy businesses, etc.), property management franchises, and retail goods/services are the three spheres of the Franchise Market that hold promise of recording the highest sales uplift.
The research reports stationing themselves in this MarketPublishers’ Catalogue offer a far-reaching view of the Franchisee Market from various geography angles, identifying major market setbacks and factors propelling the business, trends and pressing issues, besides examining other market variables. The bonuses of franchising, and the influential part the Internet is playing are also elicited in the research reports. Additionally, company profiles, latest corporate developments, and forecasts are featured in the research reports.
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Franchise Market in India 2013
US$ 950.00
... is placed. The new report, 'Franchising Market in India', states that India has witnessed large scale adoption of franchising as a prospective entry route for ... companies look beyond borders for untapped potential and markets. The Indian franchise market is particularly poised to grow exponentially with ...
May 2013
152 pages
Franchising: Market Research Report
US$ 1,450.00
... . The report provides a rudimentary prelude to the worldwide Franchising industry. The discussion summarizes, in addition to other market variables, the advantages of franchising, and the impact of internet – the opportunities and challenges boded and the change in business models elicited. The report ...
December 2011
189 pages