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Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Comparative Analysis and Companies Ranking

October 2024 | 50 pages | ID: HBF13F562BBEN
BAC Reports

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  • The report analyses Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry in Hong Kong. It covers general statistics, including industry volumes by sales and income, and industry dynamics within the recent period. The description of industry structure by company is included as well, establishing extent of market concentration and evaluating companies’ market shares. Analysis includes detailed information about the internal and external factors that affect Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry in Hong Kong.
  • The report provides detailed Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry comparative analysis with interrelated data on major companies. The areas under consideration are as follows:
    - company strategic position in the industry
    - profitability and margin analysis
    - assets turnover and credit ratios reviews
    - long-term solvency indicators
    - growth trends comparison
  • The report also presents company rankings by size, value, profit margin and growth history, thus giving a full picture of each company mentioned.
  • The report provides relevant news, an analysis of PR-activity, and stock price movements. The latter are correlated with pertinent news and press releases. Annual and quarterly forecasts are given by a variety of experts and market research firms. Such information creates your awareness about principal trends of the industry.




1.1. Key Facts
1.2. Industry Volume
1.3. Industry Dynamics


2.1. Stock Analysis
2.2. Current Market State
2.3. Comparative Financial Analysis
2.3.1. Profitability Analysis
2.3.2. Margin Analysis
2.3.3. Assets Turnover Analysis
2.3.4. Credit Ratios
2.3.5. Long-Term Solvency Analysis
  2.3.6. Growth Over Prior Year Trends


3.1. Company Rankings by Size
3.2. Company Rankings by Value
3.3. Company Rankings by Profit Margins
3.4. Company Rankings by Growth History


4.1. News & PR Activity Analysis
4.2. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Significant Developments
4.3. Marketing News
4.4. Corporate Events



The above Industry Comparative Analysis is a half-ready report.
 It only requires updating with the help of new data that are constantly retrieved from Publisher’s databases and other sources. This updating process takes 3-5 business days after order is placed. Thus, our clients always obtain a revised and updated version of each report. Please also note that we do not charge for such an updating procedure. BAC Reports has information for more than 40,000 different companies available but it is impossible to have all reports updated immediately. That is why it takes 3-5 days to update a report after an order is received.


Table 1. The list of Companies Included in the Research
Table 2. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Snapshot
Table 3. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Annual Revenues, Gross Profit and Net Income
Table 4. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Quarterly Revenues, Gross Profit and Net Income
Table 5. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Annual Growth Rates, %
Table 6. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Quarterly Growth Rates, %
Table 7. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Companies Stock Performance
Table 8. Companies Market Shares, %
Table 9. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Companies Profitability Ratios
Table 10. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Companies Margin Analysis Ratios
Table 11. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Companies Assets Turnover Ratios
Table 12. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Companies Credit Ratios
Table 13. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Companies Long-Term Solvency Ratios
Table 14. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Companies Growth Over Prior Year Ratios
Table 15. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Leaders by Market Capitalization
Table 16. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Leaders by Revenues
Table 17. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Leaders by Net Income
Table 18. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Leaders by Employees
Table 19. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Leaders by Price per Earnings
Table 20. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Leaders by Price to Sales
Table 21. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Leaders by Price to Book
Table 22. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Leaders by Price to Cash Flow
Table 23. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Leaders by Profit Margin
Table 24. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Leaders by Operating Margin
Table 25. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Leaders by Return on Assets
Table 26. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Leaders by Earnings per Share
Table 27. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Leaders by Revenue Growth Rate


Figure 1. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Annual Revenues in Comparison with Cost of Goods Sold and Gross Profit
Figure 2. Industry Concentration, %
Figure 3. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Dynamics, 4 Year Trends
Figure 4. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Dynamics, Last 4 Quarter Trends
Figure 5. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry 1-year Stock Chart
Figure 6. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry vs. Main Indexes 1-year Stock Chart
Figure 7. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Structure by Companies, %
Figure 8. Growth-Share Matrix: Companies Strategic Position in Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry (Recent Year Trends)
Figure 9. Growth-Share Matrix: Companies Strategic Position in Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry (Recent Quarter Trends)
Figure 10. Return on Assets Chart by Companies
Figure 11. Return on Equity Chart by Companies
Figure 12. Profitability Peer Analysis
Figure 13. Profit Margin Chart by Companies
Figure 14. Operating Margin Chart by Companies
Figure 15. Margin Peer Analysis
Figure 16. Assets Turnover Peer Analysis
Figure 17. Current Ratio Chart by Companies in
Figure 18. Growth Over Prior Year Peer Analysis
Figure 19. Hong Kong Clothing, Textiles and Accessories Industry Article Density Chart


Addchance Holdings LimitedAgritrade Resources LimitedArt Textile Technology International Co. Ltd.
Artini China Company Ltd.Arts Optical International Holdings Ltd.Bao Yuan Holdings Limited
Bauhaus International Holdings LtdBel Global Resources Holdings LimitedBio Dynamic Group Ltd.
Bosideng International Holdings Ltd.Carry Wealth Holdings Ltd.Chanco International Group Ltd.
Chaoyue Group LimitedChina Environmental Resources Group LimitedChina Ting Group Holdings Ltd
Co-Prosperity Holdings LimitedContinental Holdings Ltd.Crocodile Garments Ltd.
Daphne International Holdings LimitedEagle Nice International Holdings Ltd.East Asia Sports International Ltd.
Easyknit Enterprises Holdings LimitedElegance International Holdings Ltd.Embry Holdings Ltd.
Eternite International Company Ltd.Exceed Company Ltd.Fountain Set Holdings Ltd.
Glorious Sun Enterprises Ltd.Greater China Holdings Ltd.Guangdong Tannery Ltd.
Hang Ten Group Holdings Ltd.High Fashion International Ltd.Huafeng Group Holdings Limited
Kam Hing International Holdings Ltd.Kingmaker Footwear Holdings Ltd.KTP Holdings Ltd.
Lai Sun Garment International Ltd.LE Saunda Holdings Ltd.LJ International Inc.
Luen Thai Holdings Ltd.Mainland Headwear Holdings Ltd.Man Sang International Ltd.
Ming Fung Jewellery Group Ltd.Moiselle International Holdings Ltd.Nanyang Holdings Ltd.
National Electronics Holdings Ltd.New Environmental Energy Holdings LimitedNoble Jewelry Holdings Limited
Pacific Textiles Holdings LimitedPak Tak International Ltd.Pegasus International Holdings Ltd.
Ports Design Ltd.Richfield Group Holdings Ltd.Rising Development Holdings Ltd.
Seamless Green China Holdings LimitedSiberian Mining Group Company LimitedSound Worldwide Holdings, Inc.
Stella International Holdings Ltd.Sun Hing Vision Group Holdings Ltd.Symphony Holdings Ltd.
Takson Holdings Ltd.Texhong Textile Group Ltd.Texwinca Holdings Ltd.
Theme International Holdings Ltd.Time Infrastructure Holdings Ltd.Top Form International Ltd.
Trinity LimitedTristate Holdings Ltd.TSE Sui Luen Jewellery International Ltd.
Tungtex Holdings Co. Ltd.United Technology Holdings Co., Ltd.Veeko International Holdings Ltd.
Victory City International Holdings Ltd.Wai Chun Mining Industry Group Company Limited.Walker Group Holdings Limited
Win Hanverky Holdings LimitedWing Tai Properties LimitedXTEP International Holdings Ltd.
Yangtzekiang Garment LimitedYGM Trading Ltd.Yue Yuen Industrial (Holdings) Limited

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