Chinese Outdoor Gear Market Analysed in New Report by ResearchInChina Published at
27 Jun 2014 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – The growing popularity of outdoor sports in China has propelled the gradual growth of the domestic outdoor gear industry. Total retail outdoor gear sales in China reached RMB 18.05 billion in 2013, posting a CAGR of just under 43% from 2005 to 2013 and increasing by 24.3% y-o-y. The main distribution channels include professional outdoor stores, market stores, e-shops, etc. In late 2013, the number of market stores has surpassed that of professional outdoor stores, comprising just under 74% of all stores in the market.
To date, nearly all worldwide outdoor brands have come into the Chinese market; however, their growth rate is decelerating whilst that of the Chinese local brands is still surging. At the end of 2013, there were 891 outdoor brands in the country, of which 458 were local ones. Toread is ranked 3rd in China’s outdoor gear market and is the largest domestic outdoor gear manufacturer, with a share of 8% as of 2013. Kolumb and Camel are other famous domestic outdoor brands, ranking 8th and 9th with a market share of 3% each. Still, foreign brands enjoy nearly 70% of China’s outdoor gear sector. In 2013, Columbia and The North Face were the 2 leading players in China’s outdoor gear market with around 17% and 14% shares, respectively.
In-demand research study “China Outdoor Gear Industry Report, 2013-2016” drawn up by ResearchInChina provides a detailed guide to the Chinese outdoor gear market.
The report offers a comprehensive analysis of the Chinese outdoor gear market. It covers the industry’s actual state and historical development, encloses information on the size of the market as of now with forecasts up to 2016, and specifies the main trade channels. The study gives an unbiased review of the country’s general economic environment and policy landscape, and looks at the key development trends and burning issues pertaining to China’s outdoor gear industry. Furthermore, the research report delves into the competitive scenario and profiles the 5 world and 8 China-based companies operating in the marketplace. The report also provides an unprejudiced comparison and qualitative outlook of the major companies’ operations (based on revenue, net income and gross margin).
Report Details:
China Outdoor Gear Industry Report, 2013-2016
Published: June, 2014
Pages: 86
Price: US$ 1,900.00
More new reports by the publisher can be found at ResearchInChina page.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
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