Potassium Carbonate (otherwise named potash, salt of tartar, pearl ash) is a translucent, white, granulated powder, having the formula K2CO3 and belonging within a family of inorganic salts. Commercially, today’s Potassium Carbonate preparation is exercised mainly by electrolysing potassium chloride to derive potassium hydroxide (caustic potash), with the latter then undergoing carbonation. The emerged Potassium Carbonate can further be destined for the manufacture of its multitudinous compounds.
Potassium Carbonate is a prerequisite for the gas purification, textile, food processing, pharma, electronics, and other industrial areas. Thus, Potassium Carbonate is now widely exploited in the making of glass, glazes, liquid soaps; it is used in dyes, ceramics, pigments, food additives, in wool and leather finishing, etc. In a lab environment, the substance serves as a mild dessicant.
The reports incorporated in the Potassium Carbonate Catalogue present detailed assessments of the relevant market worldwide as well as across major regions/countries by canvassing its key parameters. The research reports discuss Potassium Carbonate characteristics, usage spheres, and production technologies. Further, supply and demand, pricing foreign trade, industry forecast, etc. are amongst the topics addressed in the researches. Market players along with their strategies and affairs are depicted in the reports as well.
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Potassium Carbonate Global Market Research
US$ 2,770.00
... manufacturing technologies are considered. Further goes the analysis of global potassium carbonate market with emphasis on its main components which are production, consumption ...
December 2017
155 pages