Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) is a white/colorless inorganic salt having crystalline texture. It naturally occurs as limestone, pearl, calcite, chalk, marble, etc. The leading consumer of calcium carbonate is the construction industry. Furthermore, calcium chloride is utilized in the manufacture of white paint, cleaning agents, toothpaste and some other consumer goods. It is either made use of in the production of pharmaceuticals. Calcium carbonate acts as a functional/commercial filler in plastic, paper, coatings, rubber and a far more.
The Asia-Pacific represents the main market for calcium carbonate. By 2015, the world market for calcium carbonate is expected to override 110 million tonnes.
In-depth analyses of the calcium carbonate market are offered in the research reports encompassed in the catalogue. The reports provide accurate data on the market in various geographical settings. Information on the prevailing market trends, market segmentation and shape along with the reviews of the competitive landscape is of easy access in the research reports. Moreover, the research studies outline prospects for the future market development and identify top market players.
Publications found:
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International Trade in Calcium Carbonate: Trends and Prospects
US$ 820.00
The reports examine global calcium carbonate market trends (historical, current and forecast) with respect to international trade including calcium carbonate global trade dynamics, exports/imports by geography, leading suppliers and consumers, average prices.
October 2024
90 pages
International Trade in Chalk: Trends and Prospects
US$ 820.00
The reports examine global chalk market trends (historical, current and forecast) with respect to international trade including chalk global trade dynamics, exports/imports by geography, leading suppliers and consumers, average prices.
October 2024
90 pages