Global Top 6 Helicopter Manufacturers - Strategic Factor Analysis Summary (SFAS) Framework Analysis - 2015 - Airbus Helicopters, AgustaWestland, Bell Helicopter, Boeing, Russian Helicopters, Sikorsky

The report provides strategic insights into the overarching Strategic Positioning and degree of Environmental Responsiveness of the Global Top 6 Helicopter Manufacturers through a Strategic Factor Analysis Summary (SFAS) framework analysis; also referred to as Quantitative SWOT Analysis, against the backdrop of an evolving industry landscape & shifting global dynamics. The global helicopter market is currently facing a double whammy with the military helicopter segment impacted significantly by continued defense budgetary pressures & cuts underway across most traditional markets while the recent slide in global crude oil prices has been impacting the demand for new civil helicopters and activity levels of existing fleets engaged in the offshore oil & gas exploration sector globally. The situation has impacted the industry OEMs significantly which had been focusing on & working towards strengthening the civil helicopter segment to partially offset the impact of budgetary cuts on the military segment.
The medium to long term view of the sector, however, is promising with presence of strong fundamentals and long term, sustainable growth drivers & enablers spearheaded by technological evolution & R&D activity. The development of next-generation compound helicopters & tilt-rotorcrafts for military & civil applications has already heralded the advent of a new era that is likely to witness a significant expansion of the operational spectrum, capabilities & performance threshold of these machines which is likely to eventually transform & redefine their role besides enhancing overall effectiveness for a wide range of missions & operations.
The report provides an overall SFAS score on each of the Top 6 helicopter manufacturers based on an analysis of each company's strategic positioning & the degree of responsiveness to its internal & external environment respectively, thereby, making it especially useful for competitive & comparative analysis. The framework generates an insightful snapshot of the prevailing, overall strategic equation for each company by identifying, weighing, prioritizing & ranking strategic factors present in the internal & external environment through an Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) matrix followed by an External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) matrix based on their strategic significance & potential degree of impact along-with each respective company's corresponding degree of responsiveness to those factors.
The framework, thus, assesses the strategic positioning & the degree of responsiveness of each company towards the present as well as emerging market & industry dynamics to be able to harness potential growth opportunities effectively by leveraging its structural & core strengths while negating threats simultaneously.
SFAS, as a framework, thus, scores over the traditional SWOT analysis framework, in terms, of its ability to quantify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats respectively based on the potential degree of effect of each strategic factor being analyzed and the company's commensurate degree of responsiveness to that, thereby, making it much more effective for competitive assessment & analysis and from a strategic planning standpoint with the creation of a quantitative strategic snapshot on each of the companies.
Relevance & Usefulness of the Report:
The report provides insights & inputs to be incorporated into the broader strategic planning & decision making processes and will be essential from a competitive analysis standpoint as well.
The report will be useful for:
The SFAS Framework Analysis report will be essential for those having strategic interest in the global market for Military & Civil Helicopters. The report will be especially useful for Key Decision-Makers, Program Managers, Military Procurement Managers, Defense Contracting Executives & Departments, Top Management of Industry Players & Other Companies, Industry OEMs, Suppliers, Vendors, MRO Services Providers, Helicopter Operators, Flight Simulator Manufacturers and other Key Players in the Industry Value Chain. The report will also be useful for existing & potential Investors, Industry & Company Analysts, M&A Advisory Firms, Strategy & Management Consulting Firms, PE Firms, Venture Capitalists, Financing & Leasing Companies, Researchers and all those associated with the industry.
Features, Benefits & Reasons to Procure:-
The medium to long term view of the sector, however, is promising with presence of strong fundamentals and long term, sustainable growth drivers & enablers spearheaded by technological evolution & R&D activity. The development of next-generation compound helicopters & tilt-rotorcrafts for military & civil applications has already heralded the advent of a new era that is likely to witness a significant expansion of the operational spectrum, capabilities & performance threshold of these machines which is likely to eventually transform & redefine their role besides enhancing overall effectiveness for a wide range of missions & operations.
The report provides an overall SFAS score on each of the Top 6 helicopter manufacturers based on an analysis of each company's strategic positioning & the degree of responsiveness to its internal & external environment respectively, thereby, making it especially useful for competitive & comparative analysis. The framework generates an insightful snapshot of the prevailing, overall strategic equation for each company by identifying, weighing, prioritizing & ranking strategic factors present in the internal & external environment through an Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) matrix followed by an External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) matrix based on their strategic significance & potential degree of impact along-with each respective company's corresponding degree of responsiveness to those factors.
The framework, thus, assesses the strategic positioning & the degree of responsiveness of each company towards the present as well as emerging market & industry dynamics to be able to harness potential growth opportunities effectively by leveraging its structural & core strengths while negating threats simultaneously.
SFAS, as a framework, thus, scores over the traditional SWOT analysis framework, in terms, of its ability to quantify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats respectively based on the potential degree of effect of each strategic factor being analyzed and the company's commensurate degree of responsiveness to that, thereby, making it much more effective for competitive assessment & analysis and from a strategic planning standpoint with the creation of a quantitative strategic snapshot on each of the companies.
Relevance & Usefulness of the Report:
The report provides insights & inputs to be incorporated into the broader strategic planning & decision making processes and will be essential from a competitive analysis standpoint as well.
The report will be useful for:
- Strategic Planning, Competitive Assessment & Analysis
- Identification of Key Strategic Factors classified & categorized under Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats for each company along-with their Quantitative Weights indicating Strategic Significance of each respective Factor through a Strategic Factor Analysis Summary (SFAS) Matrix
- Generation of an overall Strategic Equation & Quantified SFAS score for each Company based on analysis of Strategic Positioning, Market Dynamics & Responsiveness.
- Competitor Analysis & Comparative Analysis of OEMs with quantification enhancing & facilitating Comparative Assessment & Analysis.
- Assessment & evaluation of the Company's Degree of Orientation & Responsiveness towards Internal & External Environmental factors as assessed through the Internal & External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) Matrices.
- Identifying & highlighting areas for making potential Strategic Changes, Adjustments & Realignment
- Analysis & Assessment of Emerging Market Trends & Developments impacting the Industry/Sector
- Analysis of Forces Driving as well as restraining the Industry & their overall Dynamics
- Inputs on Market Evolution & Outlook with Demand & Growth Projections for Military & Civil Helicopter Segments over Medium Term
The SFAS Framework Analysis report will be essential for those having strategic interest in the global market for Military & Civil Helicopters. The report will be especially useful for Key Decision-Makers, Program Managers, Military Procurement Managers, Defense Contracting Executives & Departments, Top Management of Industry Players & Other Companies, Industry OEMs, Suppliers, Vendors, MRO Services Providers, Helicopter Operators, Flight Simulator Manufacturers and other Key Players in the Industry Value Chain. The report will also be useful for existing & potential Investors, Industry & Company Analysts, M&A Advisory Firms, Strategy & Management Consulting Firms, PE Firms, Venture Capitalists, Financing & Leasing Companies, Researchers and all those associated with the industry.
Features, Benefits & Reasons to Procure:-
- Quantitative SWOT Analysis on each Company with Comparable, Numeric SFAS Scores
- Significant Time Savings
- Visual Representation enables Easy Comprehension
- Meetings & Presentation Ready Format
- Superior & Enriched User Experience with Incorporation of Relevant Images
Business Structure & Snapshot – For each of the 6 Helicopter Manufacturers
a) Founded
b) Headquartered
c) Business Segments
d) Employees
e) Product Portfolio - Major Product Platforms, Programs and Key Competitors
f) Market Capitalization
g) Key Executives
h) Shareholding/Ownership Pattern & Structure
Financial Performance Analysis – Charts & Analysis for each Company
1. Revenue Base & Growth Trend
2. Revenues Split by Key Segments
3. Revenues Split by Key Geographic Markets & Regions
4. Gross Earnings & Margin Trend
5. Operating Earnings & Operating Margin Trend
6. Return on Sales Trend
7. Profitability Growth Trend
8. Cash Flow from Operations
9. R&D Expenditure Trend
10.CAPEX Trend
11. Order Intake & Helicopter Deliveries Trend
12. Order Backlog Position
Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) Matrix – For each of the 6 Key Industry Players
Quantified Strategic Factors categorized under Strengths
Quantified Strategic Factors categorized under Weaknesses
External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) Matrix
Quantified Strategic Factors categorized under Opportunities
Quantified Strategic Factors categorized under Threats
Strategic Factor Analysis Summary (SFAS) Matrix – With reprioritization, quantification & ranking of respective strategic factors deriving from IFAS & EFAS matrices.
Quantified Sources of Strengths which could be Leveraged
Quantified Weaknesses to be Worked Upon
Opportunities to be Capitalized Upon & their Quantification to Assess Degree of Relevance & Usefulness
Threats to be Mitigated, Negated & Overcome & their Quantification to Assess Potential Degree of Impact
Comparative Ranking of Industry Players - based on SFAS Scores
Airbus Helicopters
AgustaWestland N.V.
Bell Helicopter
Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation
The Boeing Company - Defense, Space & Security
Russian Helicopters
Global Military Helicopter Market - Force Field Analysis - Analysis of Driving & Restraining Forces and their Overall Dynamics
Driving Forces
Restraining Forces
Global Civil Helicopter Market – Force Field Analysis - Analysis of Driving & Restraining Forces and their Overall Dynamics
Driving Forces
Restraining Forces
Key Industry Trends
Issues, Challenges & Risk Factors
Strategic Market Outlook – For Military & Civil Helicopter Segments - 2015-2025
Analysis of Emerging Market Scenario
Demand & Growth Projections
Insights into Potential Growth Opportunities
Business Structure & Snapshot – For each of the 6 Helicopter Manufacturers
a) Founded
b) Headquartered
c) Business Segments
d) Employees
e) Product Portfolio - Major Product Platforms, Programs and Key Competitors
f) Market Capitalization
g) Key Executives
h) Shareholding/Ownership Pattern & Structure
Financial Performance Analysis – Charts & Analysis for each Company
1. Revenue Base & Growth Trend
2. Revenues Split by Key Segments
3. Revenues Split by Key Geographic Markets & Regions
4. Gross Earnings & Margin Trend
5. Operating Earnings & Operating Margin Trend
6. Return on Sales Trend
7. Profitability Growth Trend
8. Cash Flow from Operations
9. R&D Expenditure Trend
10.CAPEX Trend
11. Order Intake & Helicopter Deliveries Trend
12. Order Backlog Position
Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) Matrix – For each of the 6 Key Industry Players
Quantified Strategic Factors categorized under Strengths
Quantified Strategic Factors categorized under Weaknesses
External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) Matrix
Quantified Strategic Factors categorized under Opportunities
Quantified Strategic Factors categorized under Threats
Strategic Factor Analysis Summary (SFAS) Matrix – With reprioritization, quantification & ranking of respective strategic factors deriving from IFAS & EFAS matrices.
Quantified Sources of Strengths which could be Leveraged
Quantified Weaknesses to be Worked Upon
Opportunities to be Capitalized Upon & their Quantification to Assess Degree of Relevance & Usefulness
Threats to be Mitigated, Negated & Overcome & their Quantification to Assess Potential Degree of Impact
Comparative Ranking of Industry Players - based on SFAS Scores
Airbus Helicopters
AgustaWestland N.V.
Bell Helicopter
Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation
The Boeing Company - Defense, Space & Security
Russian Helicopters
Global Military Helicopter Market - Force Field Analysis - Analysis of Driving & Restraining Forces and their Overall Dynamics
Driving Forces
Restraining Forces
Global Civil Helicopter Market – Force Field Analysis - Analysis of Driving & Restraining Forces and their Overall Dynamics
Driving Forces
Restraining Forces
Key Industry Trends
Issues, Challenges & Risk Factors
Strategic Market Outlook – For Military & Civil Helicopter Segments - 2015-2025
Analysis of Emerging Market Scenario
Demand & Growth Projections
Insights into Potential Growth Opportunities