Digital Innovation in Retail: Retailers vs OTT Players

This report presents how the retail sector is impacted by technologies and what the consequences are for traditional players The first part of the report provides an overview of the major issues and opportunities for retailers around technologies The second part presents the technologies seen as key to respond to changes in customer purchase behaviour. The third and final part outlines the strategy of major bricks-and-mortar players in response to the introduction of online marketplaces.
The retail industry is characterised by the rapidly-growing large volumes due to the globalisation of product shipments worldwide. This boost of global sales comes with the emergence of online commerce. In 2013, the global retail market represented 22 trillion USD, up from 6.4% in 2012, according to eMarketer. The market will keep growing in the years to come, reaching 28 trillion USD in 2018. The growth in the retail market is basically driven by e-commerce sales. Despite the advent of e-commerce, nevertheless, in-store purchases still remain the major part of the market, weighing in with 95% in 2013. This figure is expected to decrease in the years ahead. Indeed, the share of e-commerce sales in the retail market is expected to grow to 2.5 trillion USD, i.e. 8.8% of global retail sales by 2018.
The retail industry is characterised by the rapidly-growing large volumes due to the globalisation of product shipments worldwide. This boost of global sales comes with the emergence of online commerce. In 2013, the global retail market represented 22 trillion USD, up from 6.4% in 2012, according to eMarketer. The market will keep growing in the years to come, reaching 28 trillion USD in 2018. The growth in the retail market is basically driven by e-commerce sales. Despite the advent of e-commerce, nevertheless, in-store purchases still remain the major part of the market, weighing in with 95% in 2013. This figure is expected to decrease in the years ahead. Indeed, the share of e-commerce sales in the retail market is expected to grow to 2.5 trillion USD, i.e. 8.8% of global retail sales by 2018.
2.1. General methodology of IDATE's reports
2.2. Scope of the study
3.1. Context
3.2. Key challenges
3.2.1. Towards an omnichannel approach
3.2.2. Customer purchase behaviour analysis
3.2.3. Personalisation
3.2.4. Loyalty
3.2.5. Enhancing the in-store purchase
3.2.6. Supply chain optimisation
4.1. Technology, a retailer priority
4.2. Key technologies
4.2.1. RFID
4.2.2. Social media
4.2.3. Mobile applications
4.2.4. Interactive technologies
4.2.5. Big Data
4.2.6. Tomorrow
5.1. Retailer strategies
5.2. Major retailers
5.2.1. Walmart
5.2.2. Carrefour
5.2.3. Tesco
5.3. Marketplace and OTT players
5.3.1. Amazon
5.3.2. Rakuten
5.3.3. Alibaba
5.3.4. Google
2.1. General methodology of IDATE's reports
2.2. Scope of the study
3.1. Context
3.2. Key challenges
3.2.1. Towards an omnichannel approach
3.2.2. Customer purchase behaviour analysis
3.2.3. Personalisation
3.2.4. Loyalty
3.2.5. Enhancing the in-store purchase
3.2.6. Supply chain optimisation
4.1. Technology, a retailer priority
4.2. Key technologies
4.2.1. RFID
4.2.2. Social media
4.2.3. Mobile applications
4.2.4. Interactive technologies
4.2.5. Big Data
4.2.6. Tomorrow
5.1. Retailer strategies
5.2. Major retailers
5.2.1. Walmart
5.2.2. Carrefour
5.2.3. Tesco
5.3. Marketplace and OTT players
5.3.1. Amazon
5.3.2. Rakuten
5.3.3. Alibaba
5.3.4. Google
Table 1: Top 10 retailers worldwide, 2013
Table 2: Key critical stakes in food retail
Table 3: RFID gains for retail application
Table 4: Example of mobile applications
Table 5: Strengths and weaknesses of brick-and-mortar and online marketplaces
Figure 1: In-store and e-commerce retail sales and share of e-commerce, 2013-2018
Figure 2: Comparison between the growth of retail sales in stores and online between 2013 and 2014
Figure 3: Retail sales and share of online in the EU5, 2014 (estimates)
Figure 4: Top 10 retailers worldwide, 2013
Figure 5: Food supply chain
Figure 6: Influence of multichannel in retail sales
Figure 7: Impact of online in the customer purchase path
Figure 8: Personalisation in stores
Figure 9: The need to address challenge of customer churn
Figure 10: Tesco loyalty card programme
Figure 11: Customer experience in physical store
Figure 12: The strong adoption of ‘click and collect’ in Europe
Figure 13: Technologies used in the retail business
Figure 14: Retailer priorities in 2014
Figure 15: Maturity of the use of data in industries
Figure 16: RFID use by retailers
Figure 17: Importance of social media in the retail sector
Figure 18: Impact of retailer presence on social media
Figure 19: Mobile applications usage
Figure 20: Results from Cisco survey on mobile applications
Figure 21: Price comparison
Figure 22: Loyalty programmes
Figure 23: TargetList shopping list
Figure 24: Walgreen smart caddies
Figure 25: Mobile indoor mapping application
Figure 26: shopkick application
Figure 27: Magic Fitting Room from Macy’s
Figure 28: Mobile tracking in a shop
Figure 29: Big data opportunities in the retail sector
Figure 30: Big data opportunities in the retail sector
Figure 31: View of retail evolution
Figure 32: 3D-printer Cube for consumers
Figure 33: From the virtual store scan to delivery
Figure 34: Walmart virtual toy store
Figure 35: Comparison of online sales growth in 2014
Figure 36: View of the evolution of the retail market
Figure 37: Towards an omnichannel approach
Figure 38: WalmartLabs acquisitions
Figure 39: Importance of presence in social media
Figure 40: Savings Catcher principle
Figure 41: Mobile applications provided by Carrefour
Figure 42: Carrefour virtual fitting room
Figure 43: C-où, interactive map mobile application by Carrefour
Figure 44: Carrefour Cube in Lyon
Figure 45: Carrefour media platform offer
Figure 46: Tesco capex plan
Figure 47: Building blocks for multi-channel strategy
Figure 48: Tesco views on the retail market evolution
Figure 49: Tesco mobile applications portfolio
Figure 50: Tesco MyStore
Figure 51: Tesco value-added services before digital company sales
Figure 52: Tesco large portfolio
Figure 53: From bookseller to all-products seller
Figure 54: Amazon value proposition
Figure 55: Same-day delivery offer by Amazon
Figure 56: Amazon Fresh
Figure 57: Physical Amazon store in Manhattan
Figure 58: Amazon large businesses portfolio
Figure 59: Business portfolio
Figure 60: Positioning of Rakuten compared to Amazon in sales in Japan, by product
Figure 61: Ebates, cash back shopping system
Figure 62: Big data in Rakuten
Figure 63: Viber global footprint
Figure 64: The future view of Rakuten
Figure 65: Alibaba businesses
Figure 66: B2C E-commerce market shares in China
Figure 67: Breakdown of Alibaba sales evolution
Figure 68: Amazon store page in Alibaba TMall marketplace
Figure 69: Revenue growth of major businesses: the Alibaba view
Figure 70: Google Shopping Express service
Figure 71: Google Shopping interface
Figure 72: Carrefour indoor mapping using Google Maps
Among the businesses reviewed in detail in this report, including their subsidiaries, are:
Table 1: Top 10 retailers worldwide, 2013
Table 2: Key critical stakes in food retail
Table 3: RFID gains for retail application
Table 4: Example of mobile applications
Table 5: Strengths and weaknesses of brick-and-mortar and online marketplaces
Figure 1: In-store and e-commerce retail sales and share of e-commerce, 2013-2018
Figure 2: Comparison between the growth of retail sales in stores and online between 2013 and 2014
Figure 3: Retail sales and share of online in the EU5, 2014 (estimates)
Figure 4: Top 10 retailers worldwide, 2013
Figure 5: Food supply chain
Figure 6: Influence of multichannel in retail sales
Figure 7: Impact of online in the customer purchase path
Figure 8: Personalisation in stores
Figure 9: The need to address challenge of customer churn
Figure 10: Tesco loyalty card programme
Figure 11: Customer experience in physical store
Figure 12: The strong adoption of ‘click and collect’ in Europe
Figure 13: Technologies used in the retail business
Figure 14: Retailer priorities in 2014
Figure 15: Maturity of the use of data in industries
Figure 16: RFID use by retailers
Figure 17: Importance of social media in the retail sector
Figure 18: Impact of retailer presence on social media
Figure 19: Mobile applications usage
Figure 20: Results from Cisco survey on mobile applications
Figure 21: Price comparison
Figure 22: Loyalty programmes
Figure 23: TargetList shopping list
Figure 24: Walgreen smart caddies
Figure 25: Mobile indoor mapping application
Figure 26: shopkick application
Figure 27: Magic Fitting Room from Macy’s
Figure 28: Mobile tracking in a shop
Figure 29: Big data opportunities in the retail sector
Figure 30: Big data opportunities in the retail sector
Figure 31: View of retail evolution
Figure 32: 3D-printer Cube for consumers
Figure 33: From the virtual store scan to delivery
Figure 34: Walmart virtual toy store
Figure 35: Comparison of online sales growth in 2014
Figure 36: View of the evolution of the retail market
Figure 37: Towards an omnichannel approach
Figure 38: WalmartLabs acquisitions
Figure 39: Importance of presence in social media
Figure 40: Savings Catcher principle
Figure 41: Mobile applications provided by Carrefour
Figure 42: Carrefour virtual fitting room
Figure 43: C-où, interactive map mobile application by Carrefour
Figure 44: Carrefour Cube in Lyon
Figure 45: Carrefour media platform offer
Figure 46: Tesco capex plan
Figure 47: Building blocks for multi-channel strategy
Figure 48: Tesco views on the retail market evolution
Figure 49: Tesco mobile applications portfolio
Figure 50: Tesco MyStore
Figure 51: Tesco value-added services before digital company sales
Figure 52: Tesco large portfolio
Figure 53: From bookseller to all-products seller
Figure 54: Amazon value proposition
Figure 55: Same-day delivery offer by Amazon
Figure 56: Amazon Fresh
Figure 57: Physical Amazon store in Manhattan
Figure 58: Amazon large businesses portfolio
Figure 59: Business portfolio
Figure 60: Positioning of Rakuten compared to Amazon in sales in Japan, by product
Figure 61: Ebates, cash back shopping system
Figure 62: Big data in Rakuten
Figure 63: Viber global footprint
Figure 64: The future view of Rakuten
Figure 65: Alibaba businesses
Figure 66: B2C E-commerce market shares in China
Figure 67: Breakdown of Alibaba sales evolution
Figure 68: Amazon store page in Alibaba TMall marketplace
Figure 69: Revenue growth of major businesses: the Alibaba view
Figure 70: Google Shopping Express service
Figure 71: Google Shopping interface
Figure 72: Carrefour indoor mapping using Google Maps
Among the businesses reviewed in detail in this report, including their subsidiaries, are: