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World Smart Grid, 2nd Edition

April 2012 | 206 pages | ID: WE63DFA3E07EN

US$ 4,950.00

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This research report presents an in-depth analysis of the development, applications, products, manufacturers, and trends in the worldwide development of the Smart Grid. After over one hundred years of electric power, it has become apparent that a new type of power grid is needed to serve societal needs in the 21st Century. Over time, a relatively primitive but reliable power grid has morphed into an exceedingly complex machine that can no longer be controlled through human actions alone and one which has become brittle and subject to catastrophic failure – such as the blackout in the northeastern United States and Canada in 2003. Simply put, today’s power grid is having difficulty meeting the high quality, stable, and reliable power requirements of an increasingly sophisticated, technology-oriented world. The power grid is also in need of significant maintenance and repair, with estimates ranging as high as $1 trillion over the next 20 years for the United States alone. However, “smart/intelligent” technologies now exist that can significantly improve grid performance. With these technologies a “smarter” grid will be able provide improved service reliability and more stable electric rates at a lower cost than simply building more infrastructure to meet increased demand.

The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the current market for smart grid enabling technologies and projects future market size through 2031. Marketing concerns including energy demand, environmental impacts, economic conditions, consumer acceptance, stakeholder concerns, and government activities are discussed in terms of their impact on market growth for the Smart Grid and its enabling technologies. The report also profiles selected companies that manufacture and market technologies that enable the Smart Grid and the strategies they have adopted to maximize growth and profitability.

Smart Grid development is moving into a “normal” period of growth following substantial activity as the results of government stimulus funding. As this funding runs its course, utilities and other stakeholders are having a harder time will new development efforts as a result of economic conditions, regulatory uncertainty, consumer acceptance, and other factors that constrain their ability to fund many Smart Grid projects. These and other considerations are addressed in the report as they pertain to inhibiting or advancing development of the Smart Grid.

Scope and Methodology

The information in the report is based on primary and secondary research from the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Energy Information Administration, various other agencies of the United States Government, energy-related associations in the United States, Europe, Australia, and other countries, the International Energy Agency, the United Nations, the World Bank, trade associations, business journals, company literature and websites, and interviews with experts in Smart Grid development including energy transmission and distribution, energy generation and storage, and microgrid development. Statistical data are included for industry revenue, both globally and for the United States. The market size for Smart Grid technologies is projected from 2011 to 2031.

Demand in each of the following technology applications is analyzed in terms of both regional and overall markets for Smart Grid development:
  • Two-Way Communications
  • Smart Meters
  • Smart Sensors and Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs)
  • Information Technology and Analytics
  • Transmission, Distribution, and Substation Automation
  • Potential Smart Grid applications, development trends, environmental issues, and energy considerations are also reviewed and analyzed. Market size estimates and forecasts are based on government and primary and secondary sources, and the impact of various other factors including government grants and incentives, environmental concerns, fuel and energy prices, economic conditions, and consumer awareness and acceptance.

Research Methodology
The Smart Grid Defined
  Figure 1-1 Smart Grid Components Schematic
  Table 1-1 Smart Grid Components - Products
The Need for a Smarter Grid
  Population Growth and Electricity Demand
  Figure 1-2 Global Installed Electric Generating Capacity, 2005-2011 (Gigawatts)
  Electricity Generating Sources
  Figure 1-3 Electric Generation Energy Sources
  Figure 1-4 World Solar and Wind Energy Generating Capacity, 2005-2011 (GW)
  Aging Power Infrastructure and Cost
  Figure 1-5 Average Electric Rates, United States, 1999-2010 (Cents per Kilowatt hour)
Smart Grid Benefits
Smart Grid Growth
  Smart Meter Growth
  Figure 1-6 Global Smart Meter Installations, 2012-2021 (Millions per year)
  Figure 1-7 Global Smart Meter Market, 2011-2021 ($Billions)
  Smart Grid Market
  Table 1-2 Smart Grid Market Size by Component Cumulative Spend, 2011-2021 ($Billions)
  Figure 1-8 Global Smart Grid Market, 2011-2021 ($ billions)
  Microgrid Market Growth
  Figure 1-9 Global Microgrid Market by Sector, 2011-2021 ($Billions)
  Microgrid Smart Technology Growth
  Figure 1-10 Global Microgrid Market by Sector, 2011-2021 ($Billions)
Factors Enhancing and Inhibiting the Smart Grid Market
  Growth Drivers
  Growth Inhibitors


The Case for a More Effective Power Grid
  Population Growth
  Figure 2-1 World Population, A. D. 0 – A. D. 2011 (billions)
  Electricity Demand
  Table 2-1 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Countries
  Figure 2-2 Electricity Growth Rates, United States, 1950-2030
  Figure 2-2 Global Installed Electric Generating Capacity, 2005-2011 (Gigawatts)
  Peak Oil
  Figure 2-4 Price per Barrel of Oil, 1968-2011 ($ US)
  Figure 2-5 Average Daily World Oil Production, 1900-2011 (Millions of Barrels)
  Figure 2-6 Electric Generation Energy Sources
  Figure 2-7 Projected Global Installed Electric Generating Capacity, 2011-2031 (Gigawatts)
  Figure 2-8 Projected Non-OECD Installed Electric Generating Capacity, 2011-2031 (Gigawatts)
  Figure 2-9 Projected OECD Installed Electric Generating Capacity, 2011-2031 (Gigawatts)
  Price of Electricity
  Figure 2-10 Average Electric Rates, United States, 1999-2010 (Cents per Kilowatt hour)
  Figure 2-11 Average Power Plant Operations and Maintenance Costs, United States,1999-2010 (Mills per Kilowatt/hour)
  Figure 2-12 Number of Power Plants by Type, United States, 2002-2010
  Figure 2-13 Projected Installed Wind Power Capacity, Global, 2011-2031 (Gigawatts)
  Figure 2-14 Projected Installed Solar Power Capacity, Global, 2011-2031 (Gigawatts)
  Aging Power Infrastructure
  Figure 2-15 Electricity distribution Losses, Selected Countries, 2005-2009 (Billion Kilowatt hours)
  The Case for a Smart Power Grid
  The Smart Grid
  Smart Grid Precepts
  Smart Grid Benefits
A New Grid Paradigm
  The Electric Power Grid
  Figure 2-16
  Electric Waste
  Table 2-2 Fuel Sources for Steam Turbines and Efficiency
  Table 2-3 Fuel Sources for Non-Steam Electric Generation
  High Voltage DC (HVDC) Transmission
  Peaking Power Plants
  Interconnected Power Grids
  Figure 2-17 North American Interconnected Systems
  Electric Utilities
  Figure 2-18 Types of Electric Utilities, United StatesNumber, Capacity, and Customers Served
  Electricity Consumers
Smart Grid Challenges
  Procedural Challenges
  Technical Challenges
  Regulatory Challenges
  Work Force Challenges


Smart Grid Market Components
  Table 3-1 Smart Grid Components - Technologies
  Table 3-2 Smart Grid Components - Products
Global Smart Grid Market
  Smart Grid Market 2007-2010
  Table 3-3 Smart Grid Market, 2007-2010 ($ billions)
  Smart Grid Market 2011-2021
  Figure 3-1 Global Smart Grid Market, 2011-2021 ($ billions)
Regional Smart Grid Markets
  Figure 3-2 Smart Grid Market – Top Countries and the Rest of the World, 2011-2021 ($ billions)
  Figure 3-3 Smart Grid Market – Regions of the World, 2011-2021 ($ billions)
Smart Grid Markets by Region
North America
  Figure 3-4 Smart Grid Market – North America, 2011-2021 ($ billions)
  United States
  Figure 3-5 Smart Grid Market – Europe, 2011-2021 ($ billions)
  United Kingdom
  Figure 3-6 Smart Grid Market – Asia-Pacific, 2011-2021 ($ billions)
  South Korea
Central-South America
  Figure 3-7 Smart Grid Market – Central-South America, 2011-2021 ($ billions)
Middle East - Africa
  Figure 3-8 Smart Grid Market – Middle East-Africa, 2011-2021 ($ billions)
  Smart Grid Component Market
  Figure 3-9 Global Annual Smart Grid Investments by Transmission and Distribution Components 2011-2021 ($ billions)
Smart Meters
  Figure 3-10 Cumulative Smart Meter Installations – Europe, 2011-2021 (millions)
  Figure 3-11 Cumulative Smart Meter Installations – Brazil, 2011-2021 (millions)
  Figure 3-12 Global Cumulative Smart Meter Installations, 2011-2021 (millions)
  Figure 3-13 Cumulative Smart Meter Market, 2011-2021 ($ billions)
  Distribution Automation
  Figure 3-14 Distribution Automation and Substation Automation Market Size, 2011-2021 ($ billions)
  Transmission Systems and Substations
  Figure 3-14 Communications Market Size, 2011-2021 ($ billions)
  Home Area Networks (HAN)
  Information Technology
  Figure 3-15 Information Technology Market Size, 2011-2021 ($ billions)
  Figure 3-16 Information Technology Market Size, 2011-2021 ($ billions)
  Consulting and Systems Integration
  Smart Grid Component Market by Region
  Table 3-4 Smart Grid Component Market by Region, 2011-2021 ($ billions)
  Table 3-5 Smart Grid Component Market by Country, 2011-2021 ($ billions)
  Microgrid Market
  Figure 3-17 Microgrid Smart Component Market, 2011-2021 ($ billions)
Market Growth Drivers and Inhibitors
Growth Drivers
  Ageing Infrastructure
  Modern Infrastructure
  Policies and Regulations
  Stimulus Funding
  Common Standards
  Service Life
  Consumer Resistance
  Rural Development


Smart Grid Pilot Projects
United States
  Fort Collins, Colorado
  Snohomish County, Washington
  PJM Interconnection, LLC
  Clyde Gateway - United Kingdom
  EcoGrid EU - Denmark
  Smartcity Malaga - Spain
  Battery Storage
  Tianjin Eco-city
  Other Projects
  West Bengal – India
  South Africa
Smart Buildings
Microgrid Characteristics
  Distributed Electric Resources (DER)
  Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
  Figure 4-2 Comparison of CHP and Conventional Generating Systems
  Autonomous Operations
Types of Microgrids
  Table 4-1 Microgrid Characteristics
Smart Microgrids
  Figure 4-3 Two Approaches to Smart Grid Development
Microgrid Benefits
  Increased Reliability and Security
  Environmental Concerns
  Economic Growth and Innovation
  No T&D Requirements
  Beneficial for Utilities
Direct Current (DC) Microgrids
Microgrid Applications
  Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Facilities
  Figure 4-4 Military Microgrid
  Off-grid (remote) Areas
  Figure 4-5 Kythnos Island Microgrid
The CERTS Microgrid Concept
  Figure 4-6 CERTS Microgrid Test Bed Facility
Microgrid Market Size and Growth
  Figure 4-7 Global Microgrid Market, 2011-2021 ($ billions)
Microgrid “Smart” Component Growth
  Figure 4-8 Global Microgrid Smart Component Market, by Region, 2011-2021 ($ millions)
  Figure 4-9 Global Microgrid Smart Component Market, by Application, 2011-2021 ($ millions)
Factors Enhancing and Inhibiting the Microgrid Market
  Growth Drivers
  Growth Inhibitors


Nest Labs, Inc
  Company Performance
  Table 5-1 Nest Company Information
  Product Portfolio
  Table 5-2 Nest Product Portfolio
  Significant Developments
EnerNOC, Inc
  Company Performance
  Table 5-3 EnerNOC Company Information
  Product Portfolio
  Table 5-4 EnerNOC Product Portfolio
  Significant Developments
Opower, Inc
  Company Performance
  Table 5-5 Opower Company Information
  Product Portfolio
  Table 5-6 Opower Product Portfolio
  Significant Developments
Pareto Energy Ltd.
  Company Performance
  Table 5-7 Pareto Energy Company Information
  Product Portfolio
  Table 5-8 Pareto Energy Product Portfolio
  Significant Developments
NexTek Power Systems, Inc
  Mergers and Acquisitions
  Company Performance
  Table 5-9 Nextek Company Information
  Product Portfolio
  Table 5-10 NexTek Product Portfolio
  Sales Distribution
  Significant Events
Tendril Networks, Inc.
  Company Performance
  Table 5-11 Tendril Networks Company Information
  Product Portfolio
  Table 5-12 Tendril Networks Product Portfolio
  Significant Developments
Power Analytics Corporation
  Company Performance
  Table 5-13 Power Analytics Company Information
  Product Portfolio
  Table 5-14 Power Analytics Product Portfolio
  Significant Developments
CAS Tecnologia
  Company Performance
  Table 5-15 CAS Tecnologia Company Information
  Product Portfolio
  Table 5-16 CAS Tecnologia Product Portfolio
  Significant Events
GridGlo LLC
  Company Performance
  Table 5-17 GridGlo Company Information
  Product Portfolio
  Table 5-18 GridGlo Product Portfolio
  Significant Events
EcoFactor, Inc
  Company Performance
  Table 5-19 EcoFactor Company Information
  Product Portfolio
  Table 5-20 EcoFactor Product Portfolio
  Significant Events


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