Performance & Profitability in European Logistics
Detailed analysis of over 2,000 company financials, by industry, in context of the current European supply chain environment. Analysing providers' performance by sector and country, the report provides insight into the key industries within the market, namely Road Transport, Freight Forwarding and Contract Logistics.
Further analysis benchmarks the performance of in-house logistics operations.
Benchmark against sector averages, identify and target growth markets, sectors and potential new services. Alternatively simply monitor performance ratios for the industry as a whole. Whatever your requirement, this report will assist you to confidently and rigorously achieve your objectives.
Further analysis benchmarks the performance of in-house logistics operations.
Benchmark against sector averages, identify and target growth markets, sectors and potential new services. Alternatively simply monitor performance ratios for the industry as a whole. Whatever your requirement, this report will assist you to confidently and rigorously achieve your objectives.