Analysis of Telemedicine Market
Global healthcare market is evolving from traditional healthcare system to modern healthcare system of E-health which minimizes the physical movement of patients and enhances the coverage of healthcare services. As the world population is aging, it has resulted in increase of global healthcare expenditure. The major increase in healthcare expenditure is being witnessed in developed nations where population is ageing at a higher pace compared to less developed nations. Aging population has resulted in increase in demand of healthcare services which is already in an over-pressurized state.
It is now believed that telemedicine is going to be an important component of the modern healthcare system which will ease the pressure over the existing healthcare system which is suffering from problems like lack of required number of physicians, high cost and limited reach in the rural areas. Telemedicine, being a component of E-health, is a provision of healthcare services that uses telecommunication technology and multimedia equipment to provide healthcare solutions over a geographic distance.
The global telemedicine market has grown rapidly during the last five years as a result of increase in global healthcare expenditure. The market is all set to witness high growth in the coming years too as a result of growing world population, rise in life expectancy, increasing per capita GDP, increase in internet penetration rate and increasing health expenditure in emerging economies.
However, the telemedicine market is also facing challenges like reimbursement by third party payers, concerns about Security and Privacy, and lack of common standards & classification.
The companies like Siemens AG, Community Health Systems, AGFA-Gevaert NV and Fresenius SE have shifted their attention to the telemedicine market as these companies believe that there is huge untapped market potential.
The report analyzes the global telemedicine market with focus on the US and EU. It also discusses the key trends, growth drivers and challenges prevalent in the market. The report also profiles the major market players with a discussion of their key business strategies.
By combining SPSS Inc.’s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.
It is now believed that telemedicine is going to be an important component of the modern healthcare system which will ease the pressure over the existing healthcare system which is suffering from problems like lack of required number of physicians, high cost and limited reach in the rural areas. Telemedicine, being a component of E-health, is a provision of healthcare services that uses telecommunication technology and multimedia equipment to provide healthcare solutions over a geographic distance.
The global telemedicine market has grown rapidly during the last five years as a result of increase in global healthcare expenditure. The market is all set to witness high growth in the coming years too as a result of growing world population, rise in life expectancy, increasing per capita GDP, increase in internet penetration rate and increasing health expenditure in emerging economies.
However, the telemedicine market is also facing challenges like reimbursement by third party payers, concerns about Security and Privacy, and lack of common standards & classification.
The companies like Siemens AG, Community Health Systems, AGFA-Gevaert NV and Fresenius SE have shifted their attention to the telemedicine market as these companies believe that there is huge untapped market potential.
The report analyzes the global telemedicine market with focus on the US and EU. It also discusses the key trends, growth drivers and challenges prevalent in the market. The report also profiles the major market players with a discussion of their key business strategies.
By combining SPSS Inc.’s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.
1.1 Overview and Components of E-Health Market
Segments of E-Health Market
1.2 Market Structure of E-Health Market
Size of E-Health Market
Structure of E-Health Market
2.1 Overview
2.2 Segmentation of Global Telemedicine Market
Equipment & Services
Home Telehealth & Remote Patient Monitoring
Telehospital & Telehome
Teleadmin & Teleclinical
2.3 Global Telemedicine Market Size and Segmentation
Growth of Telemedicine Market
Telehospital & Telehome Market Revenues
2.4 M-health and Telemedicine
3.1 Overview
Demographic Trends & Health Expenditure in EU
IT Orientation of EU Healthcare Market
3.2 Market Size
EU Telemedicine Market Growth
Market Segments
3.3 Competitive Landscape
Market Share
4.1 Overview
Growth of the US Healthcare Expenditure
Breakup of the US Healthcare Expenditure
4.2 Market Size
US Telemedicine Market Growth
US Telehealth Market Growth
5.1 Key Trends
5.1.1 Rising per Capita Health Expenditure
5.1.3 Ageing World Population
5.1.4 Ageing Developed Nations Vs Less Developed Nations
5.2 Growth Drivers
5.2.1 Increasing World Population
5.2.2 Increasing Per Capita GDP
5.2.3 Increasing Health Expenditure in China and India
5.2.4 Rise in Life Expectancy
5.3 Challenges to Telemedicine
5.3.1 Reimbursement Policies of Third Party Payers
5.3.2 Concerns about Security and Privacy
5.3.3 Lack of Common Standards and Certification
5.3.4 Low Broadband Availability and Internet Penetration
5.3.5 Medical Liability and Malpractice Issues
5.3.6 Mismatch of Telemedicine Costs and Benefits
6.1 Siemens AG
Business Overview
Business Strategies
Healthcare Portfolio Oriented towards Future Growth
Competitiveness through Cost Management
Focus on Emerging Markets
6.2 AGFA-Gevaert NV
Business Overview
Business Strategies
Innovation and Technology Leadership
Market Leadership
Cost Leadership
6.3 Community Health Systems
Business Overview
Business Strategies
Geographical Diversification of Hospital Portfolio
Stress on Physician Recruiting
Operating Strategy
6.4 Fresenius SE
Business Overview
Business Strategies
Focus on Asian Market
Acquisition Oriented Growth Strategy
Focus on Research and Development
7.1 Market Forecast
7.2 Forecast Methodology
7.2.1 Dependent and Independent Variables
7.2.2 Correlation Analysis
7.2.3 Regression Analysis
Dependent & Independent Variables (2003-2008)
Correlation Matrix
Model Summary- Coefficient of Determination
Regression Coefficients Output
Dependent & Independent Variables (2003-2008)
Correlation Matrix
Model Summary- Coefficient of Determination
Regression Coefficients Output
Global E-health/ Healthcare IT Market (2008)
Structure of E-health Market
Telemedicine Segmentation by Equipment and Service Market
Global Telemedicine Market (2003-2008)
Segments of Global Telemedicine Market (2007 & 2008)
M-health and Telemedicine Correlation
EU General Physician’s using Computer during Consultation (2007)
EU Deployment of IT in Primary Care (2007)
EU Telemedicine Market Size (2008)
EU Market Size of Sub-Segments of Telemedicine Market (2008)
EU Telemedicine Market Competitive Landscape (2008)
US National Health Care Expenditure (2000-2008)
US Break-up of Health Expenditure (2008)
US Telemedicine Market (2003, 2004 & 2007)
US Market Size of Video Conferencing and Telehealth (2004-2008)
Ageing World Population (1950-2010)
Percentage of 65 Years Above Population in Developed, less developed and Least Developed Regions (1950-2010)
World Population (2000-2008)
Per Capita World GDP (2003-2008)
Healthcare Expenditure in India and China (2003-2008)
Rising Life Expectancy (1950-2010)
World Internet Users and Internet Penetration Rate (2004-2009)
Composition of World Healthcare Expenditure (2006)
Global Internet Penetration (2009)
Siemens Revenue Comparison (2005-2009)
Agfa-Gevaert NV Revenue Comparison (2004-2008)
Community Health Systems Revenue Comparison (2004-2008)
Fresenius SE Revenue Comparison (2004-2008)
Global Telemedicine Market Forecast (2009F-2012F)
Global E-health/ Healthcare IT Market (2008)
Structure of E-health Market
Telemedicine Segmentation by Equipment and Service Market
Global Telemedicine Market (2003-2008)
Segments of Global Telemedicine Market (2007 & 2008)
M-health and Telemedicine Correlation
EU General Physician’s using Computer during Consultation (2007)
EU Deployment of IT in Primary Care (2007)
EU Telemedicine Market Size (2008)
EU Market Size of Sub-Segments of Telemedicine Market (2008)
EU Telemedicine Market Competitive Landscape (2008)
US National Health Care Expenditure (2000-2008)
US Break-up of Health Expenditure (2008)
US Telemedicine Market (2003, 2004 & 2007)
US Market Size of Video Conferencing and Telehealth (2004-2008)
Ageing World Population (1950-2010)
Percentage of 65 Years Above Population in Developed, less developed and Least Developed Regions (1950-2010)
World Population (2000-2008)
Per Capita World GDP (2003-2008)
Healthcare Expenditure in India and China (2003-2008)
Rising Life Expectancy (1950-2010)
World Internet Users and Internet Penetration Rate (2004-2009)
Composition of World Healthcare Expenditure (2006)
Global Internet Penetration (2009)
Siemens Revenue Comparison (2005-2009)
Agfa-Gevaert NV Revenue Comparison (2004-2008)
Community Health Systems Revenue Comparison (2004-2008)
Fresenius SE Revenue Comparison (2004-2008)
Global Telemedicine Market Forecast (2009F-2012F)