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World Combined Heat & Power (CHP): Micro, Small and Large-Scale

April 2012 | 176 pages | ID: W291ADB980BEN

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Combined heat and power (CHP) systems were responsible for just under 10% of global electrical power generation capacity in 2011. CHP is a set of power generation technologies that provides both heat in the form of steam or hot water and electricity from a single system. These systems include a prime mover to convert fuel into electricity, a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) to generate the process heat and perhaps a boiler if the system burns coal or wood waste to run a steam turbine.

The CHP market has been driven by China in the last five years, as that country’s fast paced electrical generation capacity increases have significantly bolstered the CHP market in the country. However, China’s power capacity growth is slowing, resulting in an essentially flat global CHP market between 2007 and 2011, posting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of just 0.4% for the period to reach a value of $19.3 billion. The CHP market has been much stronger in the U.S. and Germany, with both countries achieving near 20% CAGR between 2007 and 2011. The small-CHP market has experienced an incredible CAGR of 24.8% in the same period on the strength of micro-CHP (under 5 kW) sales in Japan and small-CHP (up to 1 MW) sales in Germany.

Spark spread and government incentives are the two main driving forces behind the CHP market, although each has a different effect for different market segments. The U.S. market has been up and down over the period, and has been lower than what was experienced in the first part of the decade, because of the lack of strong government support and dropping natural gas prices. Germany, on the other hand, has a strong feed in tariff policy that is continuing to drive the CHP market in the country and will continue to do so in the long term. In Japan, exceptionally large subsidies for micro-CHP systems continue to accelerate that segment of the CHP market in the country.

Natural gas turbines continue to provide most CHP electricity generation in the U.S. and Europe, but it is reciprocating engine-based CHP systems that are the most numerous. The most common type of fuel in use for CHP systems in most countries is natural gas. The major exception is China where coal is still the dominant fuel being used in many of the country’s district heating systems. Countries such as Sweden, Switzerland, Norway and Finland have over 30% of CHP electricity generation from renewable fuels such as wood waste and municipal waste.

The CHP market will continue to experience slow growth over the next five years. However, SBI Energy expects global electricity costs to rise faster than the cost of natural gas in the long term, leading to a much stronger CHP market through the end of the decade. By 2021, there will be 651 gigawatts (GW) of CHP capacity installed worldwide, and the global CHP market will be worth $43.1 billion. The small-CHP segment will continue to grow faster than the overall CHP market, achieving a CAGR of 12.2% between 2012 and 2021 and growing to be worth a little over 6% of the global CHP market.

The CHP Market
  Table 1-1: The Global CHP Market by Country, 2007-2011 (in million $)
  Figure 1-1: New China CHP Capacity by Year, 2007-2011 (in MW & percentage of new power capacity)
  The German CHP Market
  United States
  The Small- & Micro-CHP Segment
  Table 1-2: The Global Small-CHP Market by Country, 2007-2011 (in million $)
CHP Market Forecast
  Figure 1-2: Global CHP Market Forecast, 2007-2011 (in billion $ & percentage of new power capacity)
  Table 1-3: New CHP Capacity Forecast by Country, 2012-2021 (in MW)
  Table 1-4: New Small-CHP Capacity Forecast by CHP Type, 2012-2021 (in MW)
Trends in Combined Heat & Power
  Figure 1-3: Top CHP Countries by Percentage of Total Capacity that is CHP, 2010 (in GW of total power generation capacity and & percent CHP capacity)
  CHP Heat Production & Consumption
  Table 1-5: CHP Heat Production by Country, 2006-2010 (in trillion Btu)
  Small CHP Use
  Drivers & Barriers for CHP
  Regulations, Incentives and FITs
  Low Spark Spreads Affecting CHP Adoption
  Figure 1-4: Spark Spreads for the U.S., Germany and the EU, 2000-2011 (in c/kWh)
  CHP Manufacturing Costs
  Table 1-6: Average Metal Prices, 2002-2011 (price in $/lb)
  Employment Trends in CHP
  Table 1-7: CHP Jobs by Country, 2007-2021 (in number of jobs)
  District Heating & Cooling (DHC) Trends
  Trends in CHP for Industrial Applications
  Table 1-8: CHP Use in the Pulp & Paper Industry for Key Countries (in MW)
  CHP & Renewables
CHP Demographics
  CHP Demographics in China
  European CHP Demographics
CHP Demographics in the U.S.
  Figure 1-5 :CHP Electricity Production in the U.S. by Fuel, 2007, 2011 (in percent)
  CHP Demographics in Japan


Introduction to CHP
  Figure 2-1: Block Diagram of a CHP Plant
  Advantages and Disadvantages of CHP Systems
  Figure 2-2: Typical Energy Input & Losses for Conventional Heat & Power Generation and CHP (in generic units of energy)
  Table 2-1: Advantages & Disadvantages of CHP Systems
Typical CHP Prime Movers
  Table 2-2: Advantages & Disadvantages of Different CHP Prime Movers
  Gas Turbines
  Figure 2-3: A typical Gas Turbine CHP System
  Steam Turbines
  Figure 2-4: A typical Steam Turbine CHP System
  Figure 2-5: Schematic of a Microturbine
  Reciprocating Engines
  Other Prime Movers
Fuels Used in CHP
Heat Exchange Systems
  Heat Recovery System Generators
  Absorption Chillers
Primary CHP Applications
  Industrial Applications
  Commercial Applications
  District Heating


Figure 3-1: World CHP Capacity, 2007-2011 (in GW)
Figure 3-2: The Global CHP Market, 2007-2011 (in billion $)
The CHP Market by Region
  Table 3-1: The Global CHP Market by Country, 2007-2011 (in million $)
  Figure 3-3: Regional Breakdown of the World CHP Market, 2007, 2011 (in percent)
  Figure 3-4: New German CHP Capacity by Year, 2007-2011 (in MW & percentage of new power capacity)
  United States
  Figure 3-5: New U.S. CHP Capacity by Year, 2007-2011 (in MW & percentage of new power capacity)
  Figure 3-6: New China CHP Capacity by Year, 2007-2011 (in MW & percentage of new power capacity)
  Other Key Countries
  Figure 3-7: Cumulative CHP Capacity of Other Major CHP Countries, 2011 (in MW)
  Figure 3-8: The CHP Market of Russia, South Korea & the UK, 2007-2011 (in million $)
The Small- & Micro-CHP Segment
  Figure 3-9: The Global Small-CHP Market, 2007-2011 (in million $)
  Figure 3-10: New Small-CHP Capacity by Country, 2007-2011 (in MW)
CHP Market Forecast
  Figure 3-11: Global CHP Capacity Forecast by Country, 2012-2021 (in GW).
  Figure 3-12: Global CHP Market Forecast, 2007-2011 (in billion $ & percentage of new power capacity)
  Market Forecast for Key CHP Countries
  Figure 3-13: World CHP Market Forecast by Country, 2007-2011 (in percent)
  Table 3-2: New CHP Capacity Forecast by Country, 2012-2021 (in MW)
  Germany Forecast
  Figure 3-14: German CHP Market Forecast, 2012-2021 (in million $)
  U.S. CHP Market Forecast
  Table 3-3: U.S. Planned CHP Capacity Additions, 2012-2016 (in MW)
  Figure 3-15: Planned CHP Capacity Additions in the U.S. by Prime Mover, 2012-2016 (in percent)
  China Forecast
  Figure 3-16: CHP Installation Forecast for China, 2012-2021 (in MW & percentage of new power capacity)
  Small- & Micro-CHP Segment Forecast
  Figure 3-17: Global Small-CHP Market Forecast, 2012-2021 (in million $)
  Table 3-4: New Small-CHP Capacity Forecast by CHP Type, 2012-2021 (in MW)


World Energy Production & Consumption
  Figure 4-1: World Primary Energy Consumption, 2000-2010 (in quadrillion Btu)
  Electricity Consumption & Production
  Figure 4-2: Total Global Electricity Generation, 2006-2010 (in TWh)
  Figure 4-3: Top 10 Countries for Electricity Generation, 2010 (in percent)
  CHP Heat Production & Consumption
  Figure 4-4: CHP Heat Production by Country, 2009 (in trillion Btu)
  Table 4-1: CHP Heat Production by Country, 2006-2010 (in trillion Btu)
Use of CHP Around the World
  Figure 4-5: Top CHP Countries by Percentage of Total Capacity that is CHP, 2010 (in GW of total power generation capacity and & percent CHP capacity)
  Figure 4-6: German CHP Electricity Production, 2006-2010 (in TWh & percentage of total power generation)
  United States
  Figure 4-7: U.S. CHP Electricity Production, 2006-2010 (in TWh & percentage of total power generation)
  Rest of Europe
  Table 4-2: CHP Electricity Generation by Country, 2005-2009 (in GWh)
Small CHP Use
  Figure 4-8: Installed Small-CHP Base, 2007-2011 (in thousands of systems installed)
  Table 4-3: UK small-CHP installations, 2006-2010 (in number and MW)
Drivers & Barriers for CHP
  Figure 4-9: CHP Market Factors
  Low Spark Spreads Affecting CHP Adoption
  Figure 4-10: Spark Spreads for the U.S., Germany and the EU, 2000-2011 (in c/kWh)
  Table 4-4: Electricity Prices, Gas Prices & Spark Spreads for Key CHP Countries, 2000-2011 (in c/kWh)
  Regulations, Incentives and FITs
  Table 4-5: CHP Regulations for Key CHP Market Countries, 2012
  CHP Manufacturing Costs
  Table 4-6: Breakdown of Power Plant Construction Costs, 2010 (in percent)
  Figure 4-11: Producer Price Index for Generator Sets, Turbines & Motors, 2004-2011 (index)
  Figure 4-12: Metal Prices, 2000-2011 (index, January 2000=100)
Employment Trends in CHP
  Table 4-7: CHP Jobs by Employment Sector, 2007-2021 (in number of jobs)
  Table 4-8: CHP Jobs by Country, 2007-2021 (in number of jobs)
District Heating & Cooling Trends
  Figure 4-13: District Heating by Country, 2009 (in trillion Btu)
  DHC in Europe: Russia & Germany Lead
  DHC in China
  DHC in the U.S.
  Table 4-9: U.S. CHP District Heat Capacities by State, 2010 (in MW)
  DHC in South Korea
  Table 4-10: KDHC Heat Supply by End User, 2006-2011 (in Trillion Btu)
Trends in CHP for Industrial Applications
  Figure 4-14: New CHP Capacity Added in the U.S. by Industry, 2006-2010 (in percent)
  Pulp & Paper Industry
  Table 4-11: CHP Use in the Pulp & Paper Industry for Key Countries (in MW)
  Chemical Industry
  CHP in the Brazilian & Indian Sugar Industries is Growing
CHP & Renewables
  Table 4-12: Use of Renewable Fuels with CHP by Country, 2009 (in percent)
  Biofuels and Wood
  Table 4-13: Countries with CHP Electricity Production over 1 GWh from Wood waste, 2009 (in GWh)
  Municipal & Industrial Waste
  Table 4-14: Countries with CHP Electricity Production over 1 GWh from Municipal & Industrial Waste, 2009 (in GWh)
  Carbon Abatement with CHP
  Figure 4-15: Global CO2 Emissions & Amount of CO2 Reduced by CHP Use, 2006-2010 (in Gt of CO2)
Research Trends

Chapter 5: Demographics

CHP in China
  Fuel Use
  Figure 5-1: China Energy Production by Fuel, 2009 (in percent)
CHP Use in Europe
  Figure 5-2: CHP Electricity Production in the EU by Type of Producer, 2009 (in percent)
  Fuel Use in the EU
  Figure 5-3: CHP Plant Electricity Production in the EU by Fuel, 2009 (in percent)
  Use of Thermal Energy in the EU
  Table 5-1v Top EU Countries for CHP Thermal Energy Use, 2004-2008 (in Billion Btu)
CHP in Key European Countries: Germany & the Netherlands
  Figure 5-4: German & Dutch CHP Electricity Production by Fuel, 2009 (in percent)
  Figure 5-5: CHP Electricity Production in the Netherlands by Prime Mover, 2010 (in percent)
  User Demographics
  Figure 5-6: German & Dutch CHP Electricity Production by Type of Producer, 2009 (in percent)
CHP Use in the U.S.
  Figure 5-7: CHP Electricity Production in the U.S. by Prime Mover, 2007, 2011 (in percent)
  Fuel Use
  Figure 5-8: CHP Electricity Production in the U.S. by Fuel, 2007, 2011 (in percent)
  User Demographics
  Figure 5-9: CHP Electricity Production in the U.S. by Type of Producer, 2007, 2011 (in percent)
  Table 5-2: U.S. CHP Capacity by Sector, 2010* (in MW)
  Heat Use
  Figure 5-10: Total Useful Heat Produced by CHP in the U.S., 2004-2010 (in trillion Btu)
  Figure 5-11: CHP Heat Production in the U.S. by Fuel, 2007, 2010 (in percent)
CHP in Japan
  Figure 5-12: CHP Capacity in Japan by Fuel Use & Prime Mover, March 2011 (in percent)
  User Demographics
  Table 5-3: Japanese CHP Capacity by End User, March 2011 (in MW installed & number of units)


Component Manufacturers

Gas Turbine & Microturbine Manufacturers
  Figure 6-1: Power Plant Gas Turbine Market Share by Manufacturer, 2010 (in percent)
  Table 6-1: Select Gas Turbine and Microturbine Manufacturers, 2012
GE Energy
  Figure 6-2: GE’s Total Revenue & Energy Business Unit Revenue, 2007-2011 (in billion $)
  Figure 6-3: Siemens Total Revenue & Fossil Power Generation Revenue, 2007-2011 (in billion euros)
Capstone Turbine Corporation
  Figure 6-4: Capstone’s Revenue & Net Income, FY2007-FY2011 (in million $)

Steam Turbine Manufacturers

  Table 6-2: Select Steam Turbine Manufacturers, 2012
  Figure 6-5: Alstom Total Revenue & Revenues for its Thermal Power & Renewables Segments, FY2007/08-FY2011/12 (in billion euros)

Reciprocating Engine Manufacturers

Table 6-3: Select Reciprocating Engine Manufacturers, 2012
  Figure 6-6: Caterpillar’s Total Revenue & Electric Power Segment Revenue, 2007-2011* (in billion $)

Boiler/Waste Heat Boiler Manufacturers

  Table 6-4: Select Boiler/Waste Heat Boiler Manufacturers, 2012
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
  Figure 6-7: MHI’s Total Revenue & Power Systems Segment Revenue, FY2006-FY2011* (in billion yen)

Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) Manufacturers

  Table 6-5: Select HRSG Manufacturers, 2012

CHP Package Manufacturers & Integrators

  Table 6-6: Select Small-CHP Manufacturers, 2012
  Table 6-7: Select Mid-sized CHP Manufacturers, 2012
2G Energy
  Figure 6-8: 2G’s Revenue & Net Income, 2007-2011* (in million euros)
  Table 6-8: 2G’s CHP Product Line, 2012
  New Developments
  Figure 6-9: Dresser-Rand Revenue, 2007-2011* (in million $)
  Table 6-9: Dresser-Rand’s CHP Product Line, 2012
  New Developments
  Figure 6-10: ENER-G’s Revenue & Net Income, FY2007-FY2011 (in million pounds)
  Table 6-10 ENER-G’s CHP Product Line, 2012
  New Developments
Tognum (MTU Onsite Energy)
  Figure 6-11: Tognum’s Total Revenue & Onsite Energy Segment Revenue, 2007-2011 (in million euros)
  Table 6-11: MTU Onsite Energy’s CHP Product Line, 2012
  New Developments

Micro-CHP Manufacturers

  Table 6-12: Select Micro-CHP Manufacturers by Prime Mover Technology, 2012
  Figure 6-12: Honda’s Cumulative ECOWILL Sales, FY2003-FY2010 (in units)
Panasonic (Ene-Farm)
BDR Thermea
  Table 6-13: BDR Thermea’s Product Line, 2012

Appendix: Company Contact Information

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