APAC Financial Cards & Payments Sector Discussed by Euromonitor in Its In-demand Report Published at MarketPublishers.com
18 Dec 2017 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – APAC is the largest region with respect to both financial cards in use and the value of card payments. Hence, the region also is home to the biggest card network and card-issuing banks by the same metrics. Having speedily adopted card payments during the past 2 decades, the region’s growth rate of card value is ultimately poised to moderate in the offing.
The majority of governments in APAC have elaborated a range of policies and regulations destined to eliminate cash use. These policies range to a significant degree with respect to efficiency and invasion into consumer taste. Meantime, the transparency obtained from shifting away from payments in cash is currently clear to governments, and in cases where ineffective regulation was primarily adopted there are revisions to boost effectiveness.
China’s fast-paced uptake of financial cards for payments and financial services to huge parts of its population has led to the creation of several dominant payment players. These firms are currently expanding across the region into formerly underserved areas.
Financial cards are being tailored to individual consumer groups or professions in the Asian region. Cards in South Korea are marketed to health professionals, female and male consumers and various age classes. The further segmentation of card spending will drive greater adoption in the region over the forecast period.
In-demand research report “Financial Cards and Payments in Asia Pacific” elaborated by Euromonitor offers a 360-degree analysis of the consumer finance market from a global perspective with a focus on the APAC region.
The study provides information pertaining to market categorisation, market sizing, market structure, key trends, buzz topics, emerging geographic regions, burning industry issues and white spaces. It sheds light on the growth sectors and identifies major factors driving the changes. The research report takes a shrewd look at the competitive scene, leading players and major brands. Furthermore, the report also provides granular forecast of the market’s projected evolutions in the offing, and the criteria for success.
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Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
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