Beauty & Personal Care Market Performance in Q3 Analysed by Euromonitor in Its New Study Available at
18 Sep 2017 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – Q3 witnessed insignificant but favourable changes to the top-line predicted growth of the beauty and personal care sector. Markets which held high hope for the industry’s near future in 2016, comprising China and Saudi Arabia, have tapered off, and several leading developed marketplaces, encompassing Japan, have been bolstered due to revisions. Meantime India could emerge as one source of promise in a number of staple categories over the horizon on account of the country’s GST reform. The novel tax system is set to reduce the prices of basics, like hair oils and toothpaste. On the other hand, it will raise up the prices of luxury goods, like skin care and colour cosmetics.
Skin care, colour cosmetics and fragrances dominate absolute upgrades as of Q3, as favourable economic headwinds drive the industry’s leading and mainly developed markets. On the other hand, oral care and baby and child-specific products were adversely impacted by downgrades stemming from Saudi Arabia, the USA and China.
Huge upgrades in Q3 originated from the likes of Spain and Japan. Whilst the outlook has enhanced in the coming days in these leading countries, market saturation distinctly signifies a ceiling on growth. The poor unmet potential value increase till 2021 of between USD 2-4 billion each in Japan and Spain comes into nowhere as against China’s USD 112 billion potential.
In-demand market research publication “Beauty and Personal Care: Quarterly Statement Q3 2017” prepared by Euromonitor draws up a detailed picture of the market performance during Q3.
It offers keen insights into to the structure and size of the beauty and personal care sector, buzz topics, emerging geographies, major market categories and prevalent trends, as well as key industry-specific issues and white spaces. It gives an in-depth analysis of essential factors influencing the market, including innovations in packaging, new product developments, lifestyle and economic influences, and pricing issues, among others. The report reviews the developments in the mass/masstige and premium segments, and the development of novel beauty concepts. The report identifies the dominant companies and leading brands, and canvasses the overall competitive scenario. It presents extensive market forecasts, and sheds light on the criteria for success.
More topical market research studies created by our partner are at hand at Euromonitor page.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
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