Market Publishers Ltd and Consumer Insight Sign Partnership Agreement
04 May 2017 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – Market Publishers Ltd and Consumer Insight signed a partnership agreement for quality market research promotion on Internet. is now authorised to distribute and sell research reports elaborated by Consumer Insight.
Natalie Aster, Assistant Manager at Partners Department, commented on the recent partnership agreement: “We are happy to have recently partnered with a new publisher from Kenya, Africa – Consumer Insight. The firm is engaged in providing market analysis, surveys, consultancy, etc. to different organisations to help them stay abreast with ever-changing market and industry trends. With over 12 years of collecting meaningful intelligence Consumer Insight are the research agency that knows Africa cold. The company has been trusted by multinational corporations in finance, consumer goods, telecoms and healthcare to carry out research in more than 20 different countries and are stretching their wings to cover all fifty-four. Natalie added: “The company ensures that all the research conducted is presented in a user-friendly, actionable format, allowing clients not only to obtain the required data but also go directly to the market to effectively execute it.”
Insightful Market Research Reports by Consumer Insight:
A Study on Lifestyles And Values of African Consumers. The research report is aimed at providing a deep understanding of the consumers on the African continent. The study is conducted through online panel termed VoicesAfrica – is a group of consumers from all areas of activities who have volunteered to be research respondents …
A Report That Delves Into The Lifestyle, Values And Attitudes of Kenyan Women Tracking Changes over Time. The report is dedicated to providing an assessment of the economic and social inclinations of women in Kenya. It provides interviews with women of 18 years of age and above in rural and urban areas of 16 African counties. The research is designed to assist in understanding the minds, hearts and wallets of Kenya’s women …
A Report That Explores Various Facets of A Kenyan To help Determine Current And Potential Customer profiles. The research report provides details information on Kenyan consumers’ DNA by gender, age, socio-economic grouping, income, brand usage and more. Over 3,500 Kenyans of13 years of age and above were interviewed through personal interviews in urban areas and the countryside across the 16 counties …
More details on the publisher and its reports can be found at Consumer Insight page.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
[email protected]