Asia Mobile Broadband Market Continues to Post Strong Growth, States BuddeComm in Its New Report Available at
22 Dec 2016 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – Asia’s mobile broadband market keeps on posting strong growth. With 3.9 billion mobile subscribers and capturing more than 50% of the global mobile subscriber base, spread across a various set of markets, the region is fast progressing in the uptake of mobile broadband services.
An increase across Asia in high-speed internet access by way of mobile broadband services has been mainly driven by extremely competitive markets in tandem with the willingness of the customer to absorb most advanced mobile technologies.
The majority of markets in Asia keep on seeing a transition from mobile voice to data. The more advanced markets region-wise, like Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore, have witnessed their mobile networks actively boosted by mobile data services.
The mobile broadband subscriber base in Asian countries keeps on gaining traction. The total number of mobile broadband subscribers has grown from 1.41 billion as of 2015 to 1.6 billion by 2016. The strong growth rate implies that there is still a huge growth potential in the market through to 2021, and specifically across the region’s less developed markets that still largely rely on voice networks for mobile services.
New research report “Asia - Mobile Infrastructure and Mobile Broadband” elaborated by BuddeComm offers a bird’s eye view of the marketplace on a regional level with a focus on the key country markets.
For each national market, the research study delves deep into the mobile regulatory issues such as general laws and regulations, gives an in-depth overview of the mobile infrastructure. The report provides granular mobile statistical figures covering general statistics, mobile voice and mobile data, mobile broadband statistical data plus forecasts. The research publication presents deep insights into the mobile infrastructure, casts light on the mobile content and applications. Detailed forecasts for each country’s mobile subscriber base through to 2016, 2018 and to 2021 are provided as well.
More new market studies by our publisher are available at BuddeComm page.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
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