South Pacific Saw Huge Progress in Telecoms Sector, Says BuddeComm in Its New Report Available at
24 Nov 2016 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – In the recent past, the South Pacific region has seen a significant progress in its telecommunications services sector. Concerns pertaining to climatic variations have sparked global interest in the region as it is in the frontline for rising water levels and natural catastrophes. Telecommunications and digital technologies are being utilised for climate change monitoring as this huge issue has grave repercussions for the entire world community.
Consequently, a slew of grants, international financing, and private investments have been directed to enhancing conditions, such as telecommunications infrastructure. International submarine cable systems are being deployed in certain circumstances and satellite services are being upgraded as well. One of the significant milestones reached is the agreement that Kacific has concluded with several Pacific Islands which will witness extensive improvements in satellite broadband speed and access.
The surging broadband penetration by close to 10% holds the potential to pump up GDP by as much as 1.4% in low- and middle-income countries of the Pacific Islands and Oceania.
The Solomon Islands has shown impressive performance with respect to mobile uptake. The government of the Federated States of Micronesia is aware of the importance of the development of the national telecoms infrastructure for the respective economic and social benefits.
Fiji is takes the lead in the Pacific region with respect to the development of its ICT sector and investment in telecommunications infrastructure.
Owing to telecoms infrastructure enhancements made in the past few years, the Marshall Islands are currently claiming a mobile penetration rate of over 30%.
Samoa starts addressing its global capacity issues with a key public-private project underway.
New research report “South Pacific Islands - Telecoms, Mobile, Broadband - Statistics and Analyses” elaborated by BuddeComm provides an all-encompassing analysis of the telecom market in the region. The study offers a general overview of the market, smart infrastructure, and statistics related to the mobile, mobile broadband and fixed broadband and internet space. For each of the country in question, the report further provides key statistics, country overview, current performance and evolution of the domestic telecoms sector, regulatory landscape, fixed network operators, telecoms infrastructure, broadband access market, mobile communications market analysis and statistics, mobile handsets, and more.
More new market studies by our partner are available at BuddeComm page.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
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