Market Publishers Ltd and Current Analysis Sign Partnership Agreement
04 Nov 2016 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – Market Publishers Ltd and Current Analysis signed a partnership agreement for quality market research promotion on the Internet. is now authorised to distribute and sell research reports elaborated by Current Analysis.
“We are very honoured to enter into partnership with a new publisher – Current Analysis, GlobalData Plc’s wholly-owned subsidiary. The company is engaged in providing practical and relevant market and competitive intelligence for the global telecommunications and IT domains. For more than 15 years, their independent professional employees and proprietary services have made it possible for fast-paced growing companies to quickly assess opportunities, make wiser decisions, benchmark their performance and win business in the face of the opponents. Relied on as an unprejudiced and reputable partner, Current Analysis serves over 35,000 experts representing more than 1,500 leading organisations. We have no doubt that our collaboration with Current Analysis will be mutually beneficial and grow stronger in prospect,” said Natalie Aster, Assistant Manager at Partners Department.
Insightful research publications by Current Analysis:
Retail Banking: Trends in omnichannel banking; Vertical and technology trends. Retail banks are delivering ground-breaking consumer services via IoT, beacons, and wearable technologies. Mobility has been the most considerable disruption recently, and a expanding proportion of consumers are currently in need of banking applications on their cell phones and smartphones. Nevertheless, the provisioning of consistent bank services across all channels within an omnichannel scenario is amid the key challenges banks are facing. The report casts light on the development of the omnichannel banking sector and pinpoints the main opportunity areas for the ICT industry players…
Insurance: Trends in policy administration; Vertical and technology trends. The insurance sector is presently seeing a transition that is urging insurers to make a step back to measure the influence thereof on their operations. Systems’ consolidation across business processes is amid the trends that have acquired prominence amid insurance enterprises. This trend has made carriers completely change their policy administration function, which consist of manifold disparate systems, enabling the functionality of back office operations. The report keeps track of the development of policy administration and pinpoints the major areas of opportunities for the ICT vendors…
Insurance: Trends in online platforms; Vertical and technology trends. The significant move from conventional selling to digital insurance selling is compelling cellular providers to cross over to up-to-the-minute and favoured ways to keep in touch with clients, namely through chat, voice, mobile, social networking, and digital platforms. The inexpensiveness of sensors, enhanced communication mediums, and fast data processing power is stimulating insurers to benefit from IoT for diverse purposes that involve the identification of user needs and risks. The publication examines the latest trends influencing the online platforms market within the insurance domain, key market trends that are poised to boost the growth of the marketplace, technology development of the vendor and market opportunities, and many more…
More details on the publisher and its reports can be found at Current Analysis page.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
[email protected]