Thailand Telecom Market Sees Growth in the Fixed Line Segment, Says BuddeComm in Its New Report Available at
02 Nov 2016 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – There was a period of strong geowth in the Thai telecom industry. However, this trend ended up and the growth has been moderate over the last couple of years.
The country benefited from the liberalized telecom sector, and there are still some regulatory issues that are to be solved.
The number of fixed lines is gradually decreasing due to the expansion taking place in the mobile market.
For instance, the penetration stood at 8.85 million lines in 2014. It decreased to approximately 5 million fixed lines in 2016.
The government has plans to pour THB 10 million into the improvement of the local telecom infrastructure. The local internet-connected population is set to hit the USD 40 million users mark by 2018.
The mobile broadband demonstrated strong growth in 2011-2014: the penetration rose from 11% in 2011 to 80% as of 2014.
The local mobile marketplace is not only mature, but also highly saturated. The market penetration reached its peak in 2014. Since then it dropped to 128% (as of 2016). The marketplace is predicted to see sluggish growth in the offing.
There was robust growth in the fixed telecom segment. Penetration of this market grew from around 7% in 2012 to more than 10% in 2016. The swift growth is set to continue in the coming years.
New research report “Thailand - Telecoms, Mobile, Broadband and Digital Media - Statistics and Analyses” drawn up by BuddeComm provides a comprehensive analysis of the Thai telecom market. The study starts with a thorough overview of the Thai marketplace and coverage of the latest developments in this space.
It comprises a historic overview of the regulatory environment. The report shed light on the regulatory authority. The research study delves deep into the telecom infrastructure and focuses on the broadband segment.
It examines issues related to digital economy and digital media in the country. The research report throws light on mobile communications as well as leading operators.
More new studies by our partner are available at BuddeComm page.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
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