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AIDF Asia Summit 2016 is Coming Soon to Bangkok – Register Right Now!

10 Jun 2016 • by Natalie Aster

LONDON - Market Publishers, Ltd. is happy to remind you about the forthcoming Event, organised by Aid & International Development Forum. This unrivalled Event is AIDF Asia Summit 2016, which is scheduled for June 21th-22th, 2016. Less than two weeks left to the Summit, and Market Publishers as an official media partner of Aid & International Development Forum, is exited to invite you to become a participant of this unique Summit. The United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok (Thailand) was chosen as a venue for the Event.

Market Publishers, Ltd. is more than happy to remind you about all the benefits offered by AIDF Asia Summit 2016 including:

  • networking with 50+ exert speakers;
  • communication with 250+ humanitarian and development professionals;
  • new business opportunities;
  • participation in exciting debates on topics related to improvement of disaster relief and health resilience in South East Asia;
  • valuable information on key innovations in mHealth;
  • new ideas, experience, views;
  • etc.

AIDF Asia Summit 2016 will welcome distinguished delegates from such top world organisations as ADPC, UNESCO, UNESCAP, Save the Children, USAID, UNOPS, FHI 360, IRFC, IRC, IOM, Habitat for Humanity International, WFP, World Vision, GIZ. The delegates will discuss the hottest issues related to health resilience and emergency response with a special emphasis on Health Programmes for Disease Prevention and Control in the South-East Asia region.

NOTE! The AIDF has recently released an infographic on healthcare in the South East Asian (SEA) region, which provides a comprehensive overview of the current health threats (comprising those related to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)), reviews the top trends in financing for health focus areas and also identifies the existing gaps in development assistance. To get the infographic on healthcare in SEA click here.

Please, register your participation right now just in order not to regret later, when thickets will be sold out! Take time by the forelock!

Attention! Remember that all Market Publishers’ registered clients can benefit from a 10% discount for tickets to AIDF Asia Summit 2016! Therefore fill in a special registration form to join the Market Publishers’ client base.


The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
[email protected]

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