Pipeline for Schizophrenia is Small, Says GBI Research in Its Report Available at MarketPublishers.com
17 May 2016 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – A severe mental disorder, schizophrenia requires a multi-factorial treatment, which includes psychosocial, medical as well as psychological inputs. Antipsychotic medication represents the major pharmacological being utilized, along with job training, counseling and social rehabilitation.
Treating physicians may choose both typical and atypical antipsychotics, and the choice is usually left to their discretion. Clozapine is quite often used when it comes to patients do not improving with other antipsychotics.
Current treatments are relatively effective for positive symptoms, but they have not proven to be very effective for negative symptoms as well as cognitive dysfunctions. Besides, there are no disease-modifying drugs being available at present.
Though patient population is large, the pipeline for schizophrenia cannot boast a big size or high levels of innovation. A level of innovation in the pipeline for indications related to schizophrenia is much higher, and these products may provide some benefits to patients suffering from schizophrenia.
Topical research report “Frontier Pharma: Schizophrenia and Associated Indications - Small but Diverse Range of First-in-Class Molecular Targets Hold Promise for Treatment of Negative and Cognitive Symptoms” prepared by GBI Research offers an up-close look at the current clinical landscape for schizophrenia. The study provides a detailed overview of the disorder, covers its current treatment options and discusses current targets and mechanisms of action pipeline therapies have.
It delves deep into growing opportunities biologic products have in this space. The report investigates clinical and commercial landscape and assesses pipeline products innovation. The research study comprises a first-in-class target evaluation and sheds light on deals and strategic consolidations.
Other Diseases and Disorders Explored by the Publisher Comprise:
More research studies by our market research partner can be found at GBI Research page.
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Natalie Aster
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