Global Mobile Marketplace & Its Leaders Discussed in BuddeComm Report Available at
06 Apr 2016 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – The rise of OTT providers and liberalization are some of major factors that have lead to higher competition in the world’s mobile marketplace.
With operators interested in obtaining new revenue streams, that is why they have started to expand at regional and international levels.
There are approximately 3.78 billion mobile subscribers across Asia. China, Indonesia and India dominate the local mobile marketplace in terms of mobile subscriber base. China Unicom, Bharti and China Mobile are the most prominent mobile operators in this region.
African markets can boast effective competition between market operators. Some of top players include: Millicom, MTN, Orange, etc.
Four multinational operators rule the Latin American marketplace, and they account for more than three quarters of subscribers in this region.
The USA form one of the world’s largest mobile markets. The local marketplace continues to show strong growth despite impact of the economic recession.
Broadband and mobile communications drive the overall telecom sector in Europe, but consumer need for bandwidth is not satisfied to the full, and there is a need in further investment in local networks and spectrum.
German owns the largest mobile market in this region, and there are around 120 million subscribers in the country. It has witnessed a rapid increase in the number of mobile broadband subscribers over the recent years. Russia also possesses a big mobile market which is dominated by several players.
Saudi Arabia, Israel and Jordan are some of the most competitive markets in the Middle East.
In-demand research report “Global Mobile Operators - Regional Leaders - Overview and Statistics” prepared by BuddeComm offers a thorough analysis of the world’s mobile marketplace, with special attention paid to market leaders. The study provides a 360-degree overview of the market. It discusses trends in the global telecoms industry and unveils valuable statistics. The report examines regional markets and delves deep into performance of key countries. The research study also limelights key players in each market.
Report Details:
Global Mobile Operators - Regional Leaders - Overview and Statistics
Published: March, 2016
Price: US$ 1,200.00
More cutting-edge studies by this publisher are available at BuddeComm page.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
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