Purchasing Methods & Spending Trends in Latin America Mining Sector Investigated in Timetric Report Published at MarketPublishers.com
09 Oct 2015 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – Latin America’s respondents expect stability with their spending. Just more than 50% of respondents expect expenditure to be flat.
Outright purchase is the most preferred buying method, with 47% of respondents using the method for procuring heavy mining equipment. All other methods were used by just around 27% of respondents in each case.
When sourcing products, the biggest challenge for around 53% of respondents were the factors pertaining to suppliers’ capabilities and attributes, like on-time delivery, spare parts availability, after sales and maintenance services, and gaining technical support.
In the Latin America region, the better half of decisions are favoured to be taken at mine sites, whilst decisions made centralised within the country ran a close second in preference. 34% of respondents on average awaited more centralisation of purchasing decisions during the next 2 years.
Topical market research report “Purchasing Trends and Intentions for Mining Equipment, Parts and Consumables in Latin America, 2015” created by Timetric provides a detailed analysis of purchasing methods and spending trends in Latin American mining sector. The analysis is based on the exhaustive survey of respondents from 14 different countries. It speculates on the future trends in spending and provides expectations for increased or decreased expenditure in the areas, such as explosives materials, plant and heavy equipment, maintenance services, and equipment parts & components. The study takes an up-close look at the present-day methods for the procurement of equipment, with a detailed overview of outright purchasing, leasing, rental and other financing arrangements. It gives an analysis of prospective changes to the range of supplier relationships, and whether respondents anticipate fewer or greater supplier relationships over the next year; investigates the key challenges facing buyers and decision makers in sourcing the products; offers an analysis of current decision making practices in the region’s mines; reveals the degree to which preferred supplier arrangements are in place and projections of increased centralisation of procurement.
Report Details:
Purchasing Trends and Intentions for Mining Equipment, Parts and Consumables in Latin America, 2015
Published: September, 2015
Pages: 40
Price: US$ 2,495.00
More studies by the publisher are at hand at Timetric page.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
[email protected]