Middle East Mobile Broadband & Infrastructure Landscape Reviewed in New BuddeComm Report Published at MarketPublishers.com
29 Sep 2015 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – The Middle East mobile broadband sector presents a diversified mix of challenges and opportunities owing to a host of differences between the various countries in this vibrant region. The mobile landscape in many countries has reached saturation, and this, in tandem with infrastructure improvements like LTE 4G roll-outs, creates opportunities for the growth of mobile broadband across these markets.
The UAE has a well-established mobile market with the highest mobile penetration worldwide, mainly due to the affluence of the country as well as to a considerably sized and fluid expatriate worker population. Kuwait also boasts a very high rate of mobile penetration. The cellular providers in the country are developing infrastructure and services alike, with the top 3 operators of Zain Kuwait, VIVA and Ooredoo all providing LTE services as well as deploying or investigating LTE-A services. This has created an environment where mobile broadband has become a feasible proposition with all 3 cellular carriers providing mobile broadband services.
Whilst parts of the Middle East are presently seeing considerable political disturbances and civil war, there remain a host of positive telecoms developments across the region. It offers a lot of opportunities owing to its large population and heavy reliance of mobile services. The deployments of 4G LTE networks are underpinning a great many infrastructure developments in the region which will likely result in a higher level of adoption of mobile broadband services.
New market research publication “Middle East - Mobile Broadband and Infrastructure - Statistics and Analyses” drawn up by BuddeComm presents a deep analysis of the mobile broadband industry across the Middle East with a focus on the key countries in the region. The report provides a discussion of LTE launches in the Middle East region. The research report provides comprehensive information on the individual country mobile broadband markets, covering key aspects such as mobile infrastructure, mobile broadband statistics, mobile content and applications, mobile broadband subscriptions and penetration, revenues, data usage, daily data volumes, among others.
Report Details:
Middle East - Mobile Broadband and Infrastructure - Statistics and Analyses
Published: September, 2015
Price: US$ 895.00
More new reports by the publisher can be found at BuddeComm page.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
[email protected]