Meat Import Trends in China Examined in New ASKCI Consulting Report Now Available at
20 Jul 2015 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – The demand for meat increased in China over the past ten years in the wake of improvement of living standards. As of 2014, domestic per capita consumption of meat in the country stood at slightly over 62.4 kg, up by approximately 50 percent from 2004. Meat imports hit the 2.8 million tonnes mark in 2014 in China and accounted for over 2.9 percent of the domestic supply.
The country has immense consumption potential and limited self-efficiency. That is why a large number of renowned international companies are attracted by the Chinese marketplace.
New market research report “Survey of Imported Meat in China in 2015” worked out by ASKCI Consulting Co., Ltd provides a comprehensive guide to the meat import trends in China. The study focuses on policies related to meat imports in China. It contains an insightful overview of meat imports, uncovers a product structure, details on products origin and importers. The report sheds light on each product category and includes an in-depth market analysis. The research study comprises consumer analysis and investigates the competitive landscape. It also forecasts demand trends in the years to come.
Report Details:
Survey of Imported Meat in China in 2015
Published: July, 2015
Price: US$ 6,500.00
More new reports by the publisher can be found at ASKCI Consulting Co. page.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
[email protected]