New UK Markets Research Reports by Euromonitor Now Available at
24 Oct 2014 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON - Market Publishers Ltd is happy to announce that new research report, covering various markets in the UK, worked out by Euromonitor International Ltd have been recently added to its catalogue.
Consumer Electronics in the United Kingdom. Despite positive GDP growth in UK in 2014, the overall consumer electronics consumption is not high in the country. There is low consumer confidence in the innovative electronic products in the UK. The report provides a detailed guide to the consumer electronics sector in the UK, featuring unique information on the main brands and companies. Besides, it gives an overview of the new products developments and touches upon the distribution issues. Prospects for the consumer electronics segment are also highlighted …
Computers and Peripherals in the United Kingdom. In 2014, tablets and other portable computers market in the UK posted a strong increase, although the growth rates were lower than in the previous years. The segment saw retail volume double-digit growth during 2008-2013. The new research provides trustworthy data on the UK market for computers and peripherals. It contains an insightful overview of the competitive landscape and describes the main firms and manufacturers. Key factors, shaping the market, are reviewed too. Forecast through 2018 is also given …
Home Audio and Cinema in the United Kingdom. In 2014, the home audio and cinema segment in the UK registered a 4% retail volume increase. This is primarily due to the rising demand for quality soundbars, which are provided by new flat-screen televisions. The report includes a deep analysis of the UK home audio and cinema market, covering key product categories. Moreover, it overviews key market players, companies and brands. Data on market trends, production and recent developments are also available. Besides, the report offers a five-year industry forecast …
Mobile Phones in the United Kingdom. The volume of the mobile phones sector in the UK is currently increasing. Mobile phone makers are developing new wearable electronic devices in conjunction with smartphones, which prompt people to change their phones more frequently. The novel report provides a comprehensive research of the UK mobile phones market and unveils data on the leading brands and firms. It reviews main factors influencing the sector, includes information on the production, new products developments and price fluctuations. Furthermore, the study contains the market outlook through 2018 …
More new studies by the publisher can be found at Euromonitor International page.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
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