Isoprene is a common organic compound with the molecular formula C5H8. A colorless, insoluble in water liquid characterized by an aromatic smell, isoprene is used in the production of synthetic rubbers, terpenes and other chemical products. Besides, it is utilized in the process of making of baby bottle nipples, medical equipment, toys, tires, shoe soles, elastic films, etc. Isoprene is also used in the manufacture of paints as well as adhesives and coatings.
Russia reins in the worldwide market for isoprene, being the number one manufacturer and consumer. The USA and Japan are the two other prominent isoprene buyers and users.
The research reports found in this Catalogue analyze the isoprene market in detail. The research studies offer reviews of market segments, price changes, import and export ratios, and production volumes. The reports analyze drivers and barriers of the market growth. Top industry participants are profiled in the research reports. Besides, the reports limelight latest industry events and discuss future opportunities of the market.
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