Agricultural Milking Robots: Market Shares, Strategies, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2019 to 2025

LEXINGTON, Massachusetts (October 7, 2019) – WinterGreen Research announces that it has published a new study: Agricultural Milking Robots Market Shares, Strategy, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2019 to 2025. The 2019 study has 182 pages, 85 tables and figures. Worldwide markets are poised to achieve growth as the burgeoning middle class seeks more milk and more milk productscheese. Across the industrial spectrum dairy farms use robots to implement better farm management.
Improved farm efficiency is a key benefit of dairy farm industrialization. One effect of the tariffs from President Trump has been to stimulate investment by Chinese and Russian business men in dairy farming. With imported milk from the US not available, demand for milk was felt in the market. The largest industrial dairy farm is being built in Russia with Chinese and Russian financing. This farm is anticipated to be fully automated.
By 2050 the world population will be 9 billion people, up from 7.3 billion in 2019. Population growth means that there needs to be a considerable increase in food production. Grow lights permit warehouse growing. Renewable energy supports electricity generation. Milking robots are part of a move to precision agriculture that increases crop yields and improves over all availability of nutritious foods. Income levels are creating a middleclass worldwide, rising the demand for quality food and dairy products.
Milk demand is increasing because of the quality of nutrition milk products provide. Milk is a fundamental food, trusted and valued all over the world. Quality of milk can be increased via the use of automated milking and feeding systems.
An environmental development relates to consumer increasing awareness of the origin of produce, animal welfare, the use of antibiotics having a deleterious effect on health of people, and the impact of environmentally unsound agricultural practices. Agricultural impact on the environment is commonly measured as a carbon footprint.
There are 21 million working dairy cows in the world, meaning 21,000,000 dairy calves are slaughtered for veal or cheap beef every year globally. Cows must give birth in order to make milk and the resulting births create too many cows if allowed to mature.
The market for the robotic milking machines at $6.5 billion in 2018 is anticipated to reach $30.98 billion in 2025. Market growth comes from robots increasing penetration in dairy farms. Most of the large farms are equipped, but the remaining farms are being bought up by the industrial scale farms, and the new capacity in the existing large farms need automation as well. The small dairy farms are inefficient and are going away.
WinterGreen Research is an independent research organization funded by the sale of market research studies all over the world and by the implementation of ROI models that are used to calculate the total cost of ownership of equipment, services, and software. The company has 35 distributors worldwide, including Global Information Info Shop, Market, Research and Markets,, Bloomberg, and Thompson Financial.
WinterGreen Research is positioned to help customers facing challenges that define the modern enterprises. The increasingly global nature of science, technology and engineering is a reflection of the implementation of the globally integrated enterprise. Customers trust wintergreen research to work alongside them to ensure the success of the participation in a particular market segment.
WinterGreen Research supports various market segment programs; provides trusted technical services to the marketing departments. It carries out accurate market share and forecast analysis services for a range of commercial and government customers globally. These are all vital market research support solutions requiring trust and integrity.
Improved farm efficiency is a key benefit of dairy farm industrialization. One effect of the tariffs from President Trump has been to stimulate investment by Chinese and Russian business men in dairy farming. With imported milk from the US not available, demand for milk was felt in the market. The largest industrial dairy farm is being built in Russia with Chinese and Russian financing. This farm is anticipated to be fully automated.
By 2050 the world population will be 9 billion people, up from 7.3 billion in 2019. Population growth means that there needs to be a considerable increase in food production. Grow lights permit warehouse growing. Renewable energy supports electricity generation. Milking robots are part of a move to precision agriculture that increases crop yields and improves over all availability of nutritious foods. Income levels are creating a middleclass worldwide, rising the demand for quality food and dairy products.
Milk demand is increasing because of the quality of nutrition milk products provide. Milk is a fundamental food, trusted and valued all over the world. Quality of milk can be increased via the use of automated milking and feeding systems.
An environmental development relates to consumer increasing awareness of the origin of produce, animal welfare, the use of antibiotics having a deleterious effect on health of people, and the impact of environmentally unsound agricultural practices. Agricultural impact on the environment is commonly measured as a carbon footprint.
There are 21 million working dairy cows in the world, meaning 21,000,000 dairy calves are slaughtered for veal or cheap beef every year globally. Cows must give birth in order to make milk and the resulting births create too many cows if allowed to mature.
The market for the robotic milking machines at $6.5 billion in 2018 is anticipated to reach $30.98 billion in 2025. Market growth comes from robots increasing penetration in dairy farms. Most of the large farms are equipped, but the remaining farms are being bought up by the industrial scale farms, and the new capacity in the existing large farms need automation as well. The small dairy farms are inefficient and are going away.
WinterGreen Research is an independent research organization funded by the sale of market research studies all over the world and by the implementation of ROI models that are used to calculate the total cost of ownership of equipment, services, and software. The company has 35 distributors worldwide, including Global Information Info Shop, Market, Research and Markets,, Bloomberg, and Thompson Financial.
WinterGreen Research is positioned to help customers facing challenges that define the modern enterprises. The increasingly global nature of science, technology and engineering is a reflection of the implementation of the globally integrated enterprise. Customers trust wintergreen research to work alongside them to ensure the success of the participation in a particular market segment.
WinterGreen Research supports various market segment programs; provides trusted technical services to the marketing departments. It carries out accurate market share and forecast analysis services for a range of commercial and government customers globally. These are all vital market research support solutions requiring trust and integrity.
Abstract: Agricultural Milking Industry Evolves as Robots Provide Automated Dairy Management Systems
1.1 Robotic Milking: High-Tech Farming
1.2 Milking
1.2.1 Role of Agricultural Robots
1.2.2 Agricultural Robot Technologies
2.1 Agricultural Milking Robots Market Driving Forces
2.1.1 Milk is Unique and Healthy
2.1.2 Milking Robot Market Driving Forces
2.1.3 Milking Robots Market Key Restraining Factors
2.1.4 Milking Robot Market Challenges
2.1.5 Market Growth Factors Discussion
2.2 Agricultural Milking Robots Market Shares
2.2.1 Agricultural Cow Milking Robots
2.2.2 Lely Astronaut Milking Robots
2.3 Agricultural Milking Robot Market Forecasts
2.3.1 A Milking Machine Uses Vacuum For Gathering Milk
2.3.2 Agricultural Robot Milking Machines Installed Base and Market Penetration
2.3.3 Agricultural Robot Market Segments Driverless Tractors, Cow Milking Systems, Process Precision Architecture, and Irrigation Systems
2.3.4 Agricultural Robotics Key Economic Enablers
2.4 Agricultural Milking Robots Number of Cows, Sheep, and Goats and Herds53
2.4.1 Large Industrial Scale Dairy Farms
2.4.2 Milk Yield per Cow
2.5 Agricultural Milking Robot Market Segment Forecasts
2.6 Agricultural Milking Robots Pricing and Systems Costs
2.6.1 Lely Cow Milking Robot
2.6.2 Cost of Milking Machines
3.1 Agricultural Milking Robots Regional Market Segments
3.2 United States
3.2.1 Lely US Market Leader in the Milking Robot Sales and Service
3.3 Europe
3.4 Asia Pacific
4.1 Agricultural Robot Technologies
4.2 Agricultural Robotic Use of GPS Global Positioning
4.3 Liners
4.4 Teat Scrubbers
4.5 Smart Collar Tags for Cow
4.6 CoRobots
4.6.1 Collaborative Robots In The Farming Industry
4.7 Milking Robot Industry Associations
5.1 Milking Machine Market Participants:
5.2 ADF Milking
5.3 Afimilk
5.4 Bou-Matic, Netherlands
5.4.1 Tilstra Sued BouMatic
5.5 Carnegie Mellon
5.6 DairyMaster
5.7 DeLaval
5.8 Fullwood
5.9 GEA Group - GEA Farm Technologies
5.9.1 Waterford FRS
5.10 GM Liberty
5.11 Hokofarm
5.11.1 Hokofarm Group Revenue
5.11.2 HokoFarm/AMS Galaxy
5.12 JSC Mototecha
5.13 Lely Agricultural Milking Robots
5.13.1 Lely Trend Towards Digitalization
5.13.2 Cost Structures and Roles of Agricultural Robots
5.13.3 Lely
5.13.4 Large Cow Farm Management
5.13.5 Lely Astronaut
5.13.6 Lely Group Business Concepts
5.13.7 Lely Group Revenue
5.14 Melasty
5.15 Avon Rubber/Milkline/InterPuls
5.15.1 Avon Rubber Revenue
5.15.2 milkrite | InterPuls Revenue
5.16 Milkline S.r.l.
5.16.1 Milkline Milking Systems
5.16.2 Milkline Herd Management
5.16.3 Milkline Milk Refrigeration
5.17 Milkomax
5.18 Nedap
5.19 Pearson & Gascoigne
5.20 Prompt Softech
5.21 S. A. Christensen
5.21.1 SAC Futureline Max Regional Presence:
5.22 Tetra Laval/DeLaval
5.22.1 Tetre Laval Group
5.22.2 DeLaval Sustainable Dairy Farming
5.23 Veder Group/Fullwood Packo Group
5.23.1 Fullwood
5.23.2 Fullwood Packo Group, Bought by The Verder Group
5.23.3 Fullwood Pedometer-Based Fertility Monitoring System
5.24 Milking Machine Market Participants
5.24.1 Agricultural Milking Machine Market
5.24.2 Livestock Monitoring & Management Market Shares
WinterGreen Research Methodology
WinterGreen Research Process
Market Research Study
WinterGreen Research Global Market Intelligence Company
1.1 Robotic Milking: High-Tech Farming
1.2 Milking
1.2.1 Role of Agricultural Robots
1.2.2 Agricultural Robot Technologies
2.1 Agricultural Milking Robots Market Driving Forces
2.1.1 Milk is Unique and Healthy
2.1.2 Milking Robot Market Driving Forces
2.1.3 Milking Robots Market Key Restraining Factors
2.1.4 Milking Robot Market Challenges
2.1.5 Market Growth Factors Discussion
2.2 Agricultural Milking Robots Market Shares
2.2.1 Agricultural Cow Milking Robots
2.2.2 Lely Astronaut Milking Robots
2.3 Agricultural Milking Robot Market Forecasts
2.3.1 A Milking Machine Uses Vacuum For Gathering Milk
2.3.2 Agricultural Robot Milking Machines Installed Base and Market Penetration
2.3.3 Agricultural Robot Market Segments Driverless Tractors, Cow Milking Systems, Process Precision Architecture, and Irrigation Systems
2.3.4 Agricultural Robotics Key Economic Enablers
2.4 Agricultural Milking Robots Number of Cows, Sheep, and Goats and Herds53
2.4.1 Large Industrial Scale Dairy Farms
2.4.2 Milk Yield per Cow
2.5 Agricultural Milking Robot Market Segment Forecasts
2.6 Agricultural Milking Robots Pricing and Systems Costs
2.6.1 Lely Cow Milking Robot
2.6.2 Cost of Milking Machines
3.1 Agricultural Milking Robots Regional Market Segments
3.2 United States
3.2.1 Lely US Market Leader in the Milking Robot Sales and Service
3.3 Europe
3.4 Asia Pacific
4.1 Agricultural Robot Technologies
4.2 Agricultural Robotic Use of GPS Global Positioning
4.3 Liners
4.4 Teat Scrubbers
4.5 Smart Collar Tags for Cow
4.6 CoRobots
4.6.1 Collaborative Robots In The Farming Industry
4.7 Milking Robot Industry Associations
5.1 Milking Machine Market Participants:
5.2 ADF Milking
5.3 Afimilk
5.4 Bou-Matic, Netherlands
5.4.1 Tilstra Sued BouMatic
5.5 Carnegie Mellon
5.6 DairyMaster
5.7 DeLaval
5.8 Fullwood
5.9 GEA Group - GEA Farm Technologies
5.9.1 Waterford FRS
5.10 GM Liberty
5.11 Hokofarm
5.11.1 Hokofarm Group Revenue
5.11.2 HokoFarm/AMS Galaxy
5.12 JSC Mototecha
5.13 Lely Agricultural Milking Robots
5.13.1 Lely Trend Towards Digitalization
5.13.2 Cost Structures and Roles of Agricultural Robots
5.13.3 Lely
5.13.4 Large Cow Farm Management
5.13.5 Lely Astronaut
5.13.6 Lely Group Business Concepts
5.13.7 Lely Group Revenue
5.14 Melasty
5.15 Avon Rubber/Milkline/InterPuls
5.15.1 Avon Rubber Revenue
5.15.2 milkrite | InterPuls Revenue
5.16 Milkline S.r.l.
5.16.1 Milkline Milking Systems
5.16.2 Milkline Herd Management
5.16.3 Milkline Milk Refrigeration
5.17 Milkomax
5.18 Nedap
5.19 Pearson & Gascoigne
5.20 Prompt Softech
5.21 S. A. Christensen
5.21.1 SAC Futureline Max Regional Presence:
5.22 Tetra Laval/DeLaval
5.22.1 Tetre Laval Group
5.22.2 DeLaval Sustainable Dairy Farming
5.23 Veder Group/Fullwood Packo Group
5.23.1 Fullwood
5.23.2 Fullwood Packo Group, Bought by The Verder Group
5.23.3 Fullwood Pedometer-Based Fertility Monitoring System
5.24 Milking Machine Market Participants
5.24.1 Agricultural Milking Machine Market
5.24.2 Livestock Monitoring & Management Market Shares
WinterGreen Research Methodology
WinterGreen Research Process
Market Research Study
WinterGreen Research Global Market Intelligence Company
Abstract: Agricultural Milking Industry Evolves as Robots Provide Automated Dairy Management Systems
Figure 1. Milking Robots, Market and Market Forecast, Dollars and % Growth, Worldwide, 2017-2025
Figure 2. Robots Can Milk Up To 60 Cows Per Day
Figure 3. Tags on Cows to Manage a Robotic Milker
Figure 4. Carnegie Mellon Research at Rivendale Farm
Figure 5. Milking Robot
Figure 6. Small Farm Greenhouse Automation Panel, Which Controls Temperature, Humidity And Sunlight
Figure 7. A Feed Robot For Cows
Figure 8. Collaborative Robots Help In The Milking Process On Dairy Farms
Figure 9. Milking Robot Sensor and Guidance Technologies
Figure 10. Digital Farms a Reality
Figure 11. Agricultural Robot Market Segments
Figure 12. Agricultural Robot Technologies
Figure 13. Milking Robot Market Driving Forces
Figure 14. Robot Milking Machine Key Market Restraining Factors
Figure 15. Milking Robot Market Challenges
Figure 16. Agricultural Milking Robots Market Shares, Dollars, Worldwide, 201839
Figure 17. Agricultural Robotic Milking Machine Market Shares, Dollars, Worldwide, 2018
Figure 18. Lely Automatic Milking Cows Come by Themselves to be Milked
Figure 19. Milking Robots, Market and Market Forecast, Dollars and % Growth, Worldwide, 2017-2025
Figure 20. Total Milking Machine Revenue Analysis
Figure 21. Agricultural Milking Robot Markets, Percent Penetration, # Cows and #
Farms Units, Worldwide, 2019-2025
Figure 22. Top Ten Cow Milk Production Countries, Quantity and Percent, Worldwide, 2018
Figure 23. Installed Milking Robots Number of Units and Percent, Worldwide, 2018
Figure 24. Agricultural Milking Robot Markets, Percent Penetration, # Cows and # Farms, Units, Worldwide, 2019-2025
Figure 25. Rise of Commercial Farms in US
Figure 26. Cow Milk Production, Quantity and Percent, Worldwide, 2018
Figure 27. Installed Milking Robots, Number of Units, Percent, Worldwide, 2018
Figure 28. Conventional Fluid Mild Sales in Pounds, US, 2010 to 2018
Figure 29. Milking Machine Robot Market Automatic and Semi-automatic Segments, Forecasts, Percent, Worldwide, 2019-2025
Figure 30. Automated Dairy Management System Types
Figure 31. Aspects of Milking Robot Segmentation by Application:
Figure 32. Robotic Milking Parlor
Figure 33. Lely Cow Milking Robot
Figure 34. Lely Astronaut Milking System
Figure 35. Cost of Milking Machines
Figure 36. Mitty Cow Milking Machines
Figure 37. Milking Robots, Market and Market Forecast, Dollars and % Growth, Americas, 2018-2025
Figure 38. Milking Robots, Market and Market Forecast, Dollars and % Growth, US, 2018-2025
Figure 39. Americas Milking Machine Regional Analysis
Figure 40. Robotic Milking Machines, Market Forecast, Dollars and % Growth, Europe, 2018-2025
Figure 41. Milking Robots, Market Forecast, Dollars and % of European Segment, Germany, 2018-2025
Figure 42. Europe Milking Machine Regional Analysis
Figure 43. Asia Milking Machine Regional Analysis
Figure 44. Milking Robots, Market Forecast, Dollars and % of Total Market, Asia, 2017-2025
Figure 45. Milking Robots, Market and Market Forecast, Dollars and % of Asian Total, Japan, 2017-2025
Figure 46. Milking Robots, Market and Market Forecast, Dollars and % of Total Asian Market, China, 2017-2025
Figure 47. Milking Robots, Market and Market Forecast, Dollars and % of Total, India, 2017-2025
Figure 48. Agricultural Robot Technologies
Figure 49. Milking Robot Sensor and Guidance Technologies
Figure 50. Major Dairy Automation Liner Manufacturers
Figure 51. Types of Milking Machines
Figure 52. Types of Milking Machine Animals
Figure 53. Uses for Smart Collar Tags for Cows
Figure 54. Collaborative Robots
Figure 55. Milking Robot Industry Associations
Figure 56. Agricultural Milking Machine Companies
Figure 57. Agricultural Milking Robots Companies
Figure 58. BouMatic Robotics Dairy Cattle Industry Modules
Figure 59. BouMatic Automatic Cow Milker
Figure 60. DairyMaster Milking Machines
Figure 61. DeLaval VMS Milking Robot
Figure 62. Farm Equipment Parlour supplies
Figure 63. Single Cow Complete Portable Milking Machine Features
Figure 64. GM Liberty Automatic Milking
Figure 65. Hokofarm- Group ASTREA 20.20 Premium Solution Elements
Figure 66. Astrea 20.20 Premium Automatic Milking
Figure 67. . ASTREA 20.20 Flexible Premium Automatic Milking
Figure 68. Mototecha Mobile Pasture Based Milking Process And System Description
Figure 69. Festo and Lely New Milking Robot
Figure 70. Astronaut Milking Robot
Figure 71. Voluntary Cow Traffic Benefits
Figure 72. Cow Traffic System Cubicles ROI Metrics
Figure 73. Lely Example of Herd Size and Robots/Farm Worker
Figure 74. Roles of Agricultural Robots
Figure 75. Cost Structures and Roles of Agricultural Robots
Figure 76. A cow exits the Lely Astronaut A4 Milking Machine
Figure 77. Lely’s Astronaut A4 Milking Robot
Figure 78. Lely Astronaut Milking Robot
Figure 79. Melasty Portable Milking Machine Top Quality
Figure 80. Milkrite/InterPuls
Figure 81. Nedap Systems Solutions
Figure 82. SAC Robotic Dairy Solution
Figure 83. Tetra Laval Group Revenue 2015
Figure 84. DeLaval Automatic Milker
Figure 85. Fullwood M2erlin ‘K-Flow’ Entry And Exit Design
Figure 86. Fullwood M2erlin Features
Figure 87. Fullwood M2erlin Upgrade Packs Features:
Figure 88. Fullwood M2erlin Key Performance Indicators
Figure 89. A DeLaval VMS unit
Abstract: Agricultural Milking Industry Evolves as Robots Provide Automated Dairy Management Systems
Figure 1. Milking Robots, Market and Market Forecast, Dollars and % Growth, Worldwide, 2017-2025
Figure 2. Robots Can Milk Up To 60 Cows Per Day
Figure 3. Tags on Cows to Manage a Robotic Milker
Figure 4. Carnegie Mellon Research at Rivendale Farm
Figure 5. Milking Robot
Figure 6. Small Farm Greenhouse Automation Panel, Which Controls Temperature, Humidity And Sunlight
Figure 7. A Feed Robot For Cows
Figure 8. Collaborative Robots Help In The Milking Process On Dairy Farms
Figure 9. Milking Robot Sensor and Guidance Technologies
Figure 10. Digital Farms a Reality
Figure 11. Agricultural Robot Market Segments
Figure 12. Agricultural Robot Technologies
Figure 13. Milking Robot Market Driving Forces
Figure 14. Robot Milking Machine Key Market Restraining Factors
Figure 15. Milking Robot Market Challenges
Figure 16. Agricultural Milking Robots Market Shares, Dollars, Worldwide, 201839
Figure 17. Agricultural Robotic Milking Machine Market Shares, Dollars, Worldwide, 2018
Figure 18. Lely Automatic Milking Cows Come by Themselves to be Milked
Figure 19. Milking Robots, Market and Market Forecast, Dollars and % Growth, Worldwide, 2017-2025
Figure 20. Total Milking Machine Revenue Analysis
Figure 21. Agricultural Milking Robot Markets, Percent Penetration, # Cows and #
Farms Units, Worldwide, 2019-2025
Figure 22. Top Ten Cow Milk Production Countries, Quantity and Percent, Worldwide, 2018
Figure 23. Installed Milking Robots Number of Units and Percent, Worldwide, 2018
Figure 24. Agricultural Milking Robot Markets, Percent Penetration, # Cows and # Farms, Units, Worldwide, 2019-2025
Figure 25. Rise of Commercial Farms in US
Figure 26. Cow Milk Production, Quantity and Percent, Worldwide, 2018
Figure 27. Installed Milking Robots, Number of Units, Percent, Worldwide, 2018
Figure 28. Conventional Fluid Mild Sales in Pounds, US, 2010 to 2018
Figure 29. Milking Machine Robot Market Automatic and Semi-automatic Segments, Forecasts, Percent, Worldwide, 2019-2025
Figure 30. Automated Dairy Management System Types
Figure 31. Aspects of Milking Robot Segmentation by Application:
Figure 32. Robotic Milking Parlor
Figure 33. Lely Cow Milking Robot
Figure 34. Lely Astronaut Milking System
Figure 35. Cost of Milking Machines
Figure 36. Mitty Cow Milking Machines
Figure 37. Milking Robots, Market and Market Forecast, Dollars and % Growth, Americas, 2018-2025
Figure 38. Milking Robots, Market and Market Forecast, Dollars and % Growth, US, 2018-2025
Figure 39. Americas Milking Machine Regional Analysis
Figure 40. Robotic Milking Machines, Market Forecast, Dollars and % Growth, Europe, 2018-2025
Figure 41. Milking Robots, Market Forecast, Dollars and % of European Segment, Germany, 2018-2025
Figure 42. Europe Milking Machine Regional Analysis
Figure 43. Asia Milking Machine Regional Analysis
Figure 44. Milking Robots, Market Forecast, Dollars and % of Total Market, Asia, 2017-2025
Figure 45. Milking Robots, Market and Market Forecast, Dollars and % of Asian Total, Japan, 2017-2025
Figure 46. Milking Robots, Market and Market Forecast, Dollars and % of Total Asian Market, China, 2017-2025
Figure 47. Milking Robots, Market and Market Forecast, Dollars and % of Total, India, 2017-2025
Figure 48. Agricultural Robot Technologies
Figure 49. Milking Robot Sensor and Guidance Technologies
Figure 50. Major Dairy Automation Liner Manufacturers
Figure 51. Types of Milking Machines
Figure 52. Types of Milking Machine Animals
Figure 53. Uses for Smart Collar Tags for Cows
Figure 54. Collaborative Robots
Figure 55. Milking Robot Industry Associations
Figure 56. Agricultural Milking Machine Companies
Figure 57. Agricultural Milking Robots Companies
Figure 58. BouMatic Robotics Dairy Cattle Industry Modules
Figure 59. BouMatic Automatic Cow Milker
Figure 60. DairyMaster Milking Machines
Figure 61. DeLaval VMS Milking Robot
Figure 62. Farm Equipment Parlour supplies
Figure 63. Single Cow Complete Portable Milking Machine Features
Figure 64. GM Liberty Automatic Milking
Figure 65. Hokofarm- Group ASTREA 20.20 Premium Solution Elements
Figure 66. Astrea 20.20 Premium Automatic Milking
Figure 67. . ASTREA 20.20 Flexible Premium Automatic Milking
Figure 68. Mototecha Mobile Pasture Based Milking Process And System Description
Figure 69. Festo and Lely New Milking Robot
Figure 70. Astronaut Milking Robot
Figure 71. Voluntary Cow Traffic Benefits
Figure 72. Cow Traffic System Cubicles ROI Metrics
Figure 73. Lely Example of Herd Size and Robots/Farm Worker
Figure 74. Roles of Agricultural Robots
Figure 75. Cost Structures and Roles of Agricultural Robots
Figure 76. A cow exits the Lely Astronaut A4 Milking Machine
Figure 77. Lely’s Astronaut A4 Milking Robot
Figure 78. Lely Astronaut Milking Robot
Figure 79. Melasty Portable Milking Machine Top Quality
Figure 80. Milkrite/InterPuls
Figure 81. Nedap Systems Solutions
Figure 82. SAC Robotic Dairy Solution
Figure 83. Tetra Laval Group Revenue 2015
Figure 84. DeLaval Automatic Milker
Figure 85. Fullwood M2erlin ‘K-Flow’ Entry And Exit Design
Figure 86. Fullwood M2erlin Features
Figure 87. Fullwood M2erlin Upgrade Packs Features:
Figure 88. Fullwood M2erlin Key Performance Indicators
Figure 89. A DeLaval VMS unit