Report on Decision Making and Leadership
Decision making is the intellectual process of evaluating various alternatives and options and make the best choice depending on the nature of decisions, resources available and other concerned factors. How people make decisions depends on the nature of the decision maker, the need of the decision, the adoption of the style of the decision making, the availability of the information and other resources etc. Some decisions as the programmed decisions in that the decision maker do not need to take much pain in evaluating different options or information as they are routine decisions and decision makers are familiar with it but on the other side when the decision maker have to deal with the non programmed decision they usually focus on all the relevant information, internal and external factors etc especially in the business world such as the decision of training the workers for adopting the new accounting software technique (Chad Brooks, 2014). Cont... (1250 words of this report)
Characteristics of Decision Making
Leadership Styles
Comparison of Leadership Style and Decision Making Styles
Decision Making Improving Leadership Skills
Effective Thinking and Leadership Style
Characteristics of Decision Making
Leadership Styles
Comparison of Leadership Style and Decision Making Styles
Decision Making Improving Leadership Skills
Effective Thinking and Leadership Style