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Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market Outlook 2017-2022

March 2017 | 115 pages | ID: G53D1B85754EN
Gen Consulting Company

US$ 2,800.00

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Intelligent toilet seats may include many features, including a heated seat, a bidet/rear wash, and a blow drier. Intelligent toilet seats are most common in Japan, where a seat with integrated bidets is colloquially called a Washlet, after a leading brand. Electrically heated toilet seats have been popular in Japan since the 1970s. Since Japanese toilet rooms are often unheated, the toilet seat sometimes doubles as a space heater. Integrated bidets date from around 1980, and have since become very popular in Japan, and are becoming more common in most other developed countries.

This report provides detailed analysis of worldwide markets for Intelligent Toilet Seat from 2011-2016, and provides extensive market forecasts (2016-2021) by region/country and subsectors. It covers the volumes, prices, historical growth and future perspectives in the Intelligent Toilet Seat market and further lays out an analysis of the factors influencing the supply/demand for Intelligent Toilet Seat, and the opportunities/challenges faced by industry participants. It also acts as an essential tool to companies active across the value chain and to the new entrants by enabling them to capitalize the opportunities and develop business strategies.

The report has been prepared based on the synthesis, analysis, and interpretation of information about the global Intelligent Toilet Seat market collected from specialized sources. The report covers key technological developments in the recent times and profiles leading players in the market and analyzes their key strategies. The competitive landscape section of the report provides a clear insight into the market share analysis of key industry players. The major players in the global Intelligent Toilet Seat market are Toto, Panasonic, Kohler, Toshiba, American Standard, IZEN, HSPA, Hair, Lixil, Villeroy&Boch, LS Daewon, Roca, RYOWA, JOMOO, HUIDA, Aosman, Tejjer, Ryoji, ORANS BATHROOM etc.

The report provides separate comprehensive analytics for the North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa and Rest of World. In this sector, global competitive landscape and supply/demand pattern of Intelligent Toilet Seat industry has been provided.


2.1 Research Methodology
2.2 Geographic Scope
2.3 Years Considered


3.1 Intelligent Toilet Seat Definition
3.2 Supply Chain Structure
  3.2.1 Raw Material Supply
  3.2.2 Manufacturing
  3.2.3 Production Cost Analysis


4.1 Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market by Volume 2011-2016
  4.1.1 Overview
  4.1.2 Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Volume 2011-2016
  4.1.3 Top 10 Intelligent Toilet Seat Companies (Volume Share)
4.2 Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Revenue 2011-2016
  4.2.1 Overview
  4.2.2 Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market by Revenue 2011-2016
  4.2.3 Top 10 Intelligent Toilet Seat Companies (Revenue Share)


5.1 Type
5.2 Type
5.3 Type


6.1 Application
6.2 Application
6.3 Application
6.4 Application


7.1 North America Intelligent Toilet Seat Market Size
7.2 Price & Margin
7.3 Trade Balance


8.1 Europe Market Intelligent Toilet Seat Size
8.2 Price & Margin
8.3 Trade Balance


9.1 Asia Pacific Intelligent Toilet Seat Market Size
9.2 Price & Margin
9.3 Trade Balance


10.1 Market Size by Volume 2016-2021
  10.1.1 North America
  10.1.2 Europe
  10.1.3 Asia-Pacific
  10.1.4 RoW
10.2 Market Size by Revenue 2016-2021
  10.2.1 North America
  10.2.2 Europe
  10.2.3 Asia-Pacific
  10.2.4 RoW
10.3 Regional Consumption 2016-2021
  10.3.1 North America
  10.3.2 Europe
  10.3.3 Asia-Pacific
  10.3.4 RoW
10.4 Market by Type 2016-2021
10.5 Market by Application 2016-2021


11.1 Company A
  11.1.1 Overview
  11.1.2 Products Offered
  11.1.3 Business Performance (Volume, Price, Revenue, Market Share)
11.2 Company B
11.3 Company C
11.4 Company D


12.1 Market Drivers
12.2 Market Challenges
12.3 Market Trends
12.4 Market Events


13.1 Abbreviations
13.2 Disclaimer
13.3 Analysts Certification


Figure Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Volume 2011-2016
Figure Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Revenue (M USD) 2011-2016
Figure Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market by Company Share 2016
Figure Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market Volume by Region 2016
Figure Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market Revenue by Region (M USD) 2016
Figure Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market by Application 2016
Figure Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market by Product 2016
Figure Intelligent Toilet Seat Product
Figure Intelligent Toilet Seat Supply Chain Structure Analysis
Table Raw Materials Used for Intelligent Toilet Seat Production
Figure Intelligent Toilet Seat Manufacturing Process Flow
Figure Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market by Volume, Growth Rate 2011-2016
Table Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market by Volume, by Company 2011-2016
Table Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market by Volume Share, by Company 2011-2016
Figure Top 5 Companies Volume Share 2011-2016
Table Global Top 5 Companies by Volume Share 2011
Table Global Top 5 Companies by Volume Share 2012
Table Global Top 5 Companies by Volume Share 2013
Table Global Top 5 Companies by Volume Share 2014
Table Global Top 5 Companies by Volume Share 2015
Table Global Top 5 Companies by Volume Share 2016
Figure Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market by Revenue, Growth Rate & CAGR 2011-2016
Table Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market by Revenue, by Company 2011-2016
Table Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market by Revenue Share, by Company 2011-2016
Figure Top 5 Companies Revenue Share 2011-2016
Table Global Top 5 Companies by Revenue Share 2011
Table Global Top 5 Companies by Revenue Share) 2012
Table Global Top 5 Companies by Revenue Share 2013
Table Global Top 5 Companies by Revenue Share) 2014
Table Global Top 5 Companies by Revenue Share 2015
Table Global Top 5 Companies by Revenue Share 2016
Figure Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market by Type 2016
Table Type 1 Intelligent Toilet Seat Volume 2011-2016
Table Type 1 Intelligent Toilet Seat Price Trends 2011-2016
Table Type 2 Intelligent Toilet Seat Volume 2011-2016
Table Type 2 Intelligent Toilet Seat Price Trends 2011-2016
Table Type 3 Intelligent Toilet Seat Volume 2011-2016
Table Type 3 Intelligent Toilet Seat Price Trends 2011-2016
Figure Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market by Application 2016
Table Intelligent Toilet Seat Consumed for Application A 2011-2016
Table Intelligent Toilet Seat Consumed for Application B 2011-2016
Table Intelligent Toilet Seat Consumed for Application C 2011-2016
Figure Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market Segmentation by Geography 2016
Figure North American Intelligent Toilet Seat Volume 2011-2016
Figure North American Intelligent Toilet Seat Revenue (M USD) 2011-2016
Figure North American Intelligent Toilet Seat Price & Margin 2011-2016
Table North American Intelligent Toilet Seat Trade Balance
Figure European Intelligent Toilet Seat Volume 2011-2016
Figure European Intelligent Toilet Seat Revenue (M USD) 2011-2016
Figure European Intelligent Toilet Seat Price & Margin 2011-2016
Table European Intelligent Toilet Seat Trade Balance
Figure Asia Pacific Intelligent Toilet Seat Volume 2011-2016
Figure Asia Pacific Intelligent Toilet Seat Revenue (M USD) 2011-2016
Figure Asia Pacific Intelligent Toilet Seat Price & Margin 2011-2016
Table Asia Pacific Intelligent Toilet Seat Trade Balance
Figure Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Volume 2016-2021
Table Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Volume Share 2016-2021
Figure North American Intelligent Toilet Seat Volume 2016-2021
Figure European Intelligent Toilet Seat Volume 2016-2021
Figure Asia-Pacific Intelligent Toilet Seat Volume 2016-2021
Figure Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Revenue (M USD) 2016-2021
Table Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Revenue Share 2016-2021
Figure North American Intelligent Toilet Seat Revenue (M USD) 2016-2021
Figure European Intelligent Toilet Seat Revenue (M USD) 2016-2021
Figure Asia-Pacific Intelligent Toilet Seat Revenue (M USD) 2016-2021
Figure Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Consumption by Region 2021
Table Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Consumption by Region 2016-2021
Table Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Consumption Share by Region 2016-2021
Figure North American Intelligent Toilet Seat Consumption 2016-2021
Figure European Intelligent Toilet Seat Consumption 2016-2021
Figure Asia-Pacific Intelligent Toilet Seat Consumption 2016-2021
Figure Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market by Application 2021
Table Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market by Application 2016-2021 (Volume)
Table Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market by Application 2016-2021 (Share)
Figure Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market by Type 2021
Table Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market by Type 2016-2021
Table Global Intelligent Toilet Seat Market Share by Type 2016-2021
Table Company A Financial Performance 2011-2016
Figure Company A Market Share Trend 2011-2016
Table Company B Financial Performance 2011-2016
Figure Company B Market Share Trend 2011-2016
Table Company C Financial Performance 2011-2016
Figure Company C Market Share Trend 2011-2016
Table Company D Financial Performance 2011-2016
Figure Company D Market Share Trend 2011-2016
Table Company E Financial Performance 2011-2016
Figure Company E Market Share Trend 2011-2016
Table Company F Financial Performance 2011-2016
Figure Company F Market Share Trend 2011-2016

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