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Global Camping Equipment Market Trend forecast and Opportunity analysis


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The global camping equipment market is expected to reach an estimated $5.0 billion by 2019. The major drivers of camping equipment are increasing recreational expenditure, changing lifestyle, and rising participation in outdoor recreational activities. Aging population and early retirement also will drive the industry as early retirement will give people more time for outdoor recreational activities. Growing health benefits of outdoor activities are also projected to give new shape to the camping equipment market during the next decade. Despite various challenges, the market for camping equipment is expected to grow over the forecast period.

Lucintel, a leading global management consulting and market research firm, has analyzed the global camping equipment market by segments and region, and has come up with a comprehensive research report “The Global Camping Equipment Market 2014-2019: Trend, Forecast, and Opportunity Analysis.” This report provides an analysis of the global camping equipment market including analysis of the market trend, competitive landscape, company profiles, mergers and acquisitions, emerging trend, and key drivers of industry growth. The study also includes global trend and forecasts for camping equipment through 2019, segmented by regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of World and by product types such as backpacks, tent/shelter, furniture/airbeds, sleeping bags, coolers/containers, and other accessories.

On the basis of its comprehensive research, Lucintel forecasts that majority of the segments for camping equipment market will grow moderately during 2014-2019. Technological advancements in camping equipment in relation to materials, quality, and weight of the camping equipment are also encouraging the camping equipment buyers to replace the old with new equipment. North America dominates the global camping equipment market as this region has the largest number of campers with camping being the third most popular outdoor recreational sport. Increasing environmental concerns, changes in weather patterns and seasonality variation are hindering the growth of camping equipment market. The industry needs to work towards developing more efficient techniques to reduce environmental effect on outdoor recreational activities.

This unique report from Lucintel will provide you with valuable information, insights, and tools needed to identify new growth opportunities and operate your business successfully in this market. This report will save hundreds of hours of your own personal research time and will significantly benefit you in expanding your business in this market. In today’s stringent economy, you need every advantage that you can find.


2.1: Introduction
  2.1.1: Market classifications
  2.1.2: Supply chain
2.2: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis Model


3.1: Market analysis 2013
3.2: Market trend 2008-2013
  3.2.1: Macroeconomic trends
  3.2.2: Global camping equipment market by value
  3.2.3: North American camping equipment market trend
  3.2.4: European camping equipment market trend by value
  3.2.5: APAC camping equipment market trend by value
  3.2.6: ROW camping equipment market trend by value
3.3: Market drivers and challenges
3.4: Market forecast 2014-2019
  3.4.1: Macroeconomic forecast
  3.4.2: Global camping equipment market forecast by value
  3.4.3: North American camping equipment market forecast by value
  3.4.4: European camping equipment market forecast by value
  3.4.5: APAC camping equipment market forecast by value
  3.4.6: ROW camping equipment market forecast by value


4.1: Global camping equipment market profitability analysis
4.2: Cost structure of global camping equipment market 2008-2013
  4.2.1: Regional trend cost structure for global camping equipment market
4.3: Asset analysis
4.4: Debt analysis


5.1: Product portfolio analysis
5.2: Market share analysis
5.3: Growth leadership analysis
5.4: Growth opportunity analysis


6.1: Emerging trends in global camping equipment market
6.2: Innovations and new product launches in global camping equipment market
6.3: Mergers and acquisitions in global camping equipment market



Chapter 2. Camping Equipment Market Background and Classification
Figure 2.1: Classification of global camping equipment market
Figure 2.2: Supply chain in global camping equipment market
Figure 2.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of global camping equipment market
Chapter 3. Market Analysis
Figure 3.1: Global camping equipment market by segment 2013 (%)
Figure 3.2: Global camping equipment market by segment 2013
Figure 3.3: Global camping equipment market by region 2013
Figure 3.4: Global GDP growth rate trend
Figure 3.5: Global population growth rate trend
Figure 3.6: Global unemployment rate trend
Figure 3.7: Regional GDP growth rate trend at constant price
Figure 3.8: Regional population growth rate trend
Figure 3.9: Population age structure 2013
Figure 3.10: Regional unemployment rate trend
Figure 3.11: Global and regional per capita income trend
Figure 3.12: Global camping equipment market growth trend 2008-2013
Figure 3.13: Global camping equipment market trend by segments during 2008-2013
Figure 3.14: CAGR in various segments of global camping equipment market during 2008-2013
Figure 3.15: Year-over-year growth rate in various segments of global camping equipment market during 2012-2013
Figure 3.16: North American camping equipment market trend 2008-2013
Figure 3.17: North American camping equipment market by segment 2008-2013
Figure 3.18: CAGR of various segments of North American camping equipment market by value during 2008-2013
Figure 3.19: Year-over-year growth rate in various segments of North American camping equipment market by value during 2012-2013
Figure 3.20: US camping participant by gender
Figure 3.21: Division of US participant by age
Figure 3.22: Division of US participant by income
Figure 3.23: European camping equipment market trend 2008-2013
Figure 3.24: APAC camping equipment market trend 2008-2013
Figure 3.25: ROW camping equipment market trend 2008-2013
Figure 3.26: Drivers and challenges of global camping equipment market
Figure 3.27: Global GDP growth rate forecast
Figure 3.28: Global population growth rate forecast
Figure 3.29: Global unemployment rate forecast
Figure 3.30: Regional GDP growth rate forecast at constant price
Figure 3.31: Regional population growth rate forecast
Figure 3.32: Forecast of regional population growth rate
Figure 3.33: Regional unemployment rate forecast
Figure 3.34: Global and regional per capita income forecast
Figure 3.35: Global camping equipment market growth forecast 2014-2019
Figure 3.36: Global camping equipment market segment forecast 2014-2019
Figure 3.37: CAGR of various segments of global camping equipment market by value during 2014-2019
Figure 3.38: Year-over-year growth rate in various segments of global camping equipment market by value during 2013-2014
Figure 3.39: North American camping equipment market forecast 2014-2019
Figure 3.40: North American camping equipment market by segment during 2014-2019
Figure 3.41: CAGR of various segments of North American camping equipment market by value during 2014-2019
Figure 3.42: Year-over-year growth rate in various segments of North American camping equipment market by value during 2013-2014
Figure 3.43: European camping equipment market forecast 2014-2019
Figure 3.44: APAC camping equipment market forecast 2014-2019
Figure 3.45: ROW camping equipment market forecast 2014-2019
Chapter 4. Financial (Cost Structure, Profitability, Debt, and Assets) Analysis
Figure 4.1: Global camping equipment market profitability analysis 2008-2013 (%)
Figure 4.2: Cost structure of global camping equipment market 2008-2013
Figure 4.3: Cost structure in North American camping equipment market 2008-2013
Figure 4.4: Cost structure in European camping equipment market 2008-2013
Figure 4.5: Cost structure in APAC camping equipment market 2008-2013
Figure 4.6: Cash on hand of global camping equipment market 2008-2013
Figure 4.7: Asset analysis of global camping equipment market 2008-2013
Figure 4.8: Debt analysis of global camping equipment market 2008-2013
Chapter 5. Competitive Landscape and Growth Opportunities Analysis
Figure 5.1: Market presence of major players of global camping equipment market
Figure 5.2: Global market share of camping equipment manufacturers in 2013
Figure 5.3: Global market share of camping equipment manufacturers in 2008
Figure 5.4: Growth leadership matrix of global camping equipment market
Figure 5.5: Global camping equipment market growth opportunities by region
Chapter 6. Market strategic assessment
Figure 6.1: Emerging trends in global camping equipment market


Chapter 1. Executive Summary
Table 1.1: Market parameters for global camping equipment market and attributes of usage
Chapter 3. Market Analysis
Table 3.1: Market trends (2008-2013) in global camping equipment market
Table 3.2: Average growth rates for one, three, and five years in global camping equipment market
Table 3.3: Market size and 2012-2013 growth rates in various segments of global camping equipment market
Table 3.4: Market size and annual growth rates during last five years (2008-2013) in various segments of global camping equipment market
Table 3.5: Market trends (2008-2013) in North American camping equipment
Table 3.6: Average growth rates for one, three, and five years in North American camping equipment market
Table 3.7: Market size and annual growth rates during last five years (2008-2013) in various segments of North American camping equipment market
Table 3.8: Market size and 2012-2013 growth rates in various segments of North American camping equipment market
Table 3.9: Market trends (2008-2013) in European camping equipment
Table 3.10: Average growth rates for one, three, and five years in European camping equipment market
Table 3.11: Number of campsites in Europe in 2008
Table 3.12: Market trends (2008-2013) in APAC camping equipment
Table 3.13: Average growth rates for one, three, and five years in APAC camping equipment market
Table 3.14: Market trends (2008-2013) in ROW camping equipment
Table 3.15: Average growth rates for one, three, and five years in ROW camping equipment market
Table 3.16: Market forecast (2014-2019) in global camping equipment by value
Table 3.17: Average growth rates for one, three, and five years in global camping equipment market
Table 3.18: Market size and annual growth rates for upcoming five years (2014-2019) in various segments of global camping equipment market
Table 3.19: Market size and 2013-2014 growth rates in various segments of global camping equipment market
Table 3.20: Market forecast (2014-2019) in North American camping equipment market
Table 3.21: Average growth rates for one, three, and five years in North American camping equipment market
Table 3.22: Market size and annual growth rates for upcoming five years (2014-2019) in various segments of North American camping equipment market
Table 3.23: Market size and 2013-2014 growth rates in various segments of North American camping equipment market
Table 3.24: Market forecast (2014-2019) in European camping equipment market
Table 3.25: Average growth rates for one, three, and five years in European camping equipment market
Table 3.26: Market forecast (2014-2019) in APAC camping equipment market
Table 3.27: Average growth rates for one, three, and five years in APAC camping equipment market
Table 3.28: Market forecast (2014-2019) in ROW camping equipment market
Table 3.29: Average growth rates for one, three, and five years in row camping equipment market
Chapter 5. Competitive Landscape and Growth Opportunities Analysis
Table 5.1: Global market share of camping equipment by top five manufacturers in 2013

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