Global Deployments of Utility Meters & Smart Grid Developments Report & Database Ed 1, 2011
This Report & Database product contains detailed data of global Electricity, Gas, & Water Utility Meter deployments, together with a detailed Smart Grid analysis. Utility Meter deployment has seen a great increase in momentum and 2010 has seen continuous deployment of smart meters and advanced metering systems and a general advancement of technology. Whilst there may not be as many new deployments in electricity meters as there are in gas and water; electricity is still the largest growth sector with the most advanced smart meter deployment. As energy prices continue to rise and consumers and utilities are trying to be more conscious, public acceptance of smart meters has become widespread, with many utilities now replacing existing meters with smart-meters and using new technologies as the default for new deployments. Not only is this taking place in the western world, but developing nations, too are seeing a great increase in smart meter deployment