Influencer Marketing is best option for marketing, Argumentative Essay
Influencer marketing can be defined generally, a type of marketing that focus on people who have impact on potential buyers. (Wong. 2014)The popular YouTube show “SwarShuaib” preformed an interesting social experiment. This show has been raising popularity in the last 2 years mainly because of the controversial topics and the guests who are interviewed in the show. In episode 7 of the show, the show’s staff made up a fake product under a fake brand name, and tried to sell it on the brand’s fake Instagram account and fake website. At the end of the web page there was a text explaining that the brand is fake. Despite the text and the fact that the brand has no reputation, the product still received massive demand from the show’s followers, that proves that people who has enough influence in social media can sell anything even if it has no brand recognition what so ever. The rise of social media influencers over the last few years is not just a coincidence; they have risen rapidly because the market has proven that their marketing is the most effective marketing method, there are several reasons that caused this new way of marketing products, its is social, and it easily attract people. Cont… (1500 words of this Report)
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