Bell Helicopter - H1 2013 - Strategic Snapshot, SWOT Analysis, Strategic Initiatives & Developments, Key Trends & Outlook

This strategic report provides key insights into the strategic business aspects of Bell Helicopter based on a holistic assessment as well as comprehensive analysis of business structure, performance, strategies, plans, initiatives & outlook against the backdrop of an evolving industry landscape & shifting global dynamics. Helicopters & rotorcrafts has been one of the fastest growing segments in the general aviation industry of-late with a 21% growth registered by it in 2012. The military helicopters segment is being driven by rapidly expanding role of helicopters in the overall force structure of armed forces globally, in addition, to their evolving role as significant force multipliers & rapidly increasing capabilities, especially, with the rise of rotorcrafts & their increasing indispensability for conducting a wide range of military operations & missions, besides, the imminent, significant replacement demand for ageing military helicopters emanating from traditional as well as emerging markets despite the ongoing, significant pressure on defense budgets across traditional markets.
The civil helicopter segment, on the other hand, is being driven by development of new product platforms by almost all key global OEMs incorporating cutting-edge technologies delivering enhanced operating economics & performance features, foray into entirely new segments, like super-midsize, and significant potential replacement demand likely to originate from the global offshore oil & gas exploration sector.
This strategic report on Bell Helicopter also includes an insightful SWOT framework analysis on the company; which is used extensively for an assessment of the internal as well as external business environment of an organization as part of the strategic planning process. The framework generates a snapshot of the company’s inherent strengths & weaknesses as part of the internal environment assessment and outlines potential growth opportunities as well as threats as part of the external environment assessment.
Useful for:
The report provides insights & inputs to be incorporated into the broader strategic planning & decision making processes and will be essential from a competitive analysis standpoint as well.
The report will be useful for:
The report would be essential for those having strategic interest in the Global Military Helicopter & General Aviation Industries & will be especially useful for Key Decision-Makers, Top Management of Companies, OEMs, Suppliers, Distributors, Vendors and other Key Players in the Industry Value Chain as well as existing & potential Investors, Industry & Company Analysts & those associated with the Industry or the Company.
The report is comprehensive yet concise & compact at the same time; is custom-built for meetings & presentations, being built on the Microsoft PowerPoint platform; in addition, to being a ready self-reckoner as well as a quick reference guide driving, enabling & ensuring prompt and informed decision making.
Report Updates:
For purchases made beyond 3 months from the month of original publication, the report would be updated with latest financial data as well as strategic developments for the company, prior to dispatch, in order, for the analysis to be most relevant & useful for the end-users.
The civil helicopter segment, on the other hand, is being driven by development of new product platforms by almost all key global OEMs incorporating cutting-edge technologies delivering enhanced operating economics & performance features, foray into entirely new segments, like super-midsize, and significant potential replacement demand likely to originate from the global offshore oil & gas exploration sector.
This strategic report on Bell Helicopter also includes an insightful SWOT framework analysis on the company; which is used extensively for an assessment of the internal as well as external business environment of an organization as part of the strategic planning process. The framework generates a snapshot of the company’s inherent strengths & weaknesses as part of the internal environment assessment and outlines potential growth opportunities as well as threats as part of the external environment assessment.
Useful for:
The report provides insights & inputs to be incorporated into the broader strategic planning & decision making processes and will be essential from a competitive analysis standpoint as well.
The report will be useful for:
- Competitive Assessment as well as Comprehensive Strategic Business Analysis
- Assessment & evaluation of company’s degree of responsiveness as well as strategic orientation towards the External Environment
- Gaining access to Key Inputs to be incorporated into the Strategic Planning & Decision-Making Process
- Identification of opportunities which could be capitalized upon
- Identification of potential threats in the business environment
- Analysis of and Insights into key Strategic Initiatives as well as Business Developments being pursued by the company
- Identifying & highlighting areas for making potential Strategic Changes, Adjustments & Realignment
- Gaining a Strategic Perspective on the Business & Strategic Outlook for 2013
- Gaining access to Key Industry Trends, Issues & Challenges, Risk Factors & Industry Outlook
The report would be essential for those having strategic interest in the Global Military Helicopter & General Aviation Industries & will be especially useful for Key Decision-Makers, Top Management of Companies, OEMs, Suppliers, Distributors, Vendors and other Key Players in the Industry Value Chain as well as existing & potential Investors, Industry & Company Analysts & those associated with the Industry or the Company.
The report is comprehensive yet concise & compact at the same time; is custom-built for meetings & presentations, being built on the Microsoft PowerPoint platform; in addition, to being a ready self-reckoner as well as a quick reference guide driving, enabling & ensuring prompt and informed decision making.
Report Updates:
For purchases made beyond 3 months from the month of original publication, the report would be updated with latest financial data as well as strategic developments for the company, prior to dispatch, in order, for the analysis to be most relevant & useful for the end-users.
Business Structure & Snapshot
a) Founded
b) Headquartered
c) Business Segments
d) Employees
e) Revenues
f) Market Capitalization
g) Key Executives
h) Shareholding/Ownership Pattern & Structure
Financial Performance Snapshot - 2012 Vs. 2011 & Q1 2013 Vs. Q1 2012
Sales Revenues Growth
Gross Earnings & Margin
Operating Earnings & Margin
Profitability Growth
Cash Flow from Operations
SWOT Analysis
Sources of Strengths which could be Leveraged
Areas of Improvements to Ameliorate & Offset
Opportunities to Capitalize Upon
Threats to Mitigate, Negate & Overcome
Strategic Business Initiatives & Developments
Product Level Initiatives
Service Level Initiatives
Technological and R&D Initiatives
Market Level Initiatives
Strategic Business Initiatives
Sales & Marketing Initiatives
Manufacturing/Production related Initiatives
Key Sales Contracts for H1 2013
Strategic Business Outlook for 2013
Force Field Analysis - Global Military & Civil Helicopter Industry
Driving Forces
Restraining Forces
Key Industry Trends
Key Issues & Challenges
Risk Factors
Business Structure & Snapshot
a) Founded
b) Headquartered
c) Business Segments
d) Employees
e) Revenues
f) Market Capitalization
g) Key Executives
h) Shareholding/Ownership Pattern & Structure
Financial Performance Snapshot - 2012 Vs. 2011 & Q1 2013 Vs. Q1 2012
Sales Revenues Growth
Gross Earnings & Margin
Operating Earnings & Margin
Profitability Growth
Cash Flow from Operations
SWOT Analysis
Sources of Strengths which could be Leveraged
Areas of Improvements to Ameliorate & Offset
Opportunities to Capitalize Upon
Threats to Mitigate, Negate & Overcome
Strategic Business Initiatives & Developments
Product Level Initiatives
Service Level Initiatives
Technological and R&D Initiatives
Market Level Initiatives
Strategic Business Initiatives
Sales & Marketing Initiatives
Manufacturing/Production related Initiatives
Key Sales Contracts for H1 2013
Strategic Business Outlook for 2013
Force Field Analysis - Global Military & Civil Helicopter Industry
Driving Forces
Restraining Forces
Key Industry Trends
Key Issues & Challenges
Risk Factors