Only One Week Left to “Retail Banker International Asia Trailblazer Summit and Awards 2018”
21 Feb 2018 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON - Market Publishers, as a media partner of Arena International, would like to remind you about a forthcoming Event organised by this company – Retail Banker International Asia Trailblazer Summit and Awards 2018. This Event is scheduled for March 1, 2018, in Singapore.
In the wake of the changes influencing the banking sector, the agenda of the forthcoming Event will be devoted to the discussion of the hottest industry issues including regulatory requirements and pressures, employee adoption and change management. Retail Banker International Asia Trailblazer Summit and Awards 2018 will delve deep into the barriers to evolution in the banking segment and will concentrate on the key challenges, opportunities and practical considerations for achieving the objective of remaining a relevant and engaging bank.
Join Retail Banker International Asia Trailblazer Summit and Awards 2018 to:
- benefit from case study presentations;
- participate in interactive discussions and debates;
- listen to speeches of senior and experienced individuals and institutions in the sector;
- network with peers;
- study, compare and decide on future technology investments;
- listen to top industry leaders and experts;
- identify ways for growth and innovation;
- etc.
Retail Banker International Asia Trailblazer Summit and Awards 2018 will also feature the evening Awards ceremony during a Gala Dinner.
Only one week left to Retail Banker International Asia Trailblazer Summit and Awards 2018! Apply for participation right now!
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
[email protected]