Neurodegenerative Disorders Prevalence Rate Is Rising, States GBI Research in Its New Topical Report Recently Uploaded at
08 Dec 2017 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – The prevalence rate of neurodegenerative disorders is increasingly growing owing to an ageing population, however, this diverse therapy field remains basically untreatable with existing therapies. Neurodegenerative (degenerative nerve) diseases are characterised by irreversible damage and death of neurons or synaptic connections within the brain and/or CNS, resulting in advancing deterioration in functional neurological capabilities. It has a damaging effect on quality of living and independence, and patients often require the best of full-time palliative care during the more advanced stages of the disease. Conditions within the therapy field are versatile, and display specific etiologies and pathophysiologies, whilst taking its toll on the people of all ages.
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) pose the most burning challenges in the disease cluster, on the back of the rapidly surging prevalence rate fuelled by demographic ageing. Both AD and PD remain ineffectively treated diseases in spite of heavy investment into R&D by pharmacos, owing to high failure rates for clinical trials. Hence, the current treatments for these two indications are only able to produce marginal symptomatic relief. Multiple sclerosis (MS), the inflammatory demyelinating disease of the CNS, forms a contrast to the rest of this cluster, as it affects a different population demographic, and has a lucrative pharmacological marketplace following game-changing success over the last ten years.
Topical report “Frontier Pharma: Neurodegenerative Diseases - Protein Misfolding Targets and Neuromodulators Dominate the First-in-Class Pipeline and Lead the Way as Potential Disease-Modifying Therapies in AD and PD” gives a comprehensive overview of the whole neurodegenerative disease therapy domain, particularly focusing on PD, AD, and MS.
The study limelights the most essential etiological risk factors and pathophysiological processes related to the 3 conditions; reviews the present-day treatment algorithm; describes the degree of effectiveness of the current therapies for the 3 indications, as well as how this impacts prognosis. The report tracks innovative pipeline tendencies by examining therapies by development stage, molecule type and target. It gives an unbiased assessment and ranking of the clinical potential of first-in-class targets; describes how the degree of first-in-class innovation changes within various target classes, etc. Furthermore, the report takes a look at the fluctuations of the deal activity during the past decade.
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Natalie Aster
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