Ophthalmology Therapeutic Pipeline Holds Vast Potential, States GBI Research in Its In-Demand Report Available at MarketPublishers.com
23 Nov 2017 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – The ophthalmologic therapy domain is characterised by extensive unmet need, as patients have a limited number of treatment options and bad outcomes.
The pipeline is extensive, with 865 products in active development; it is varied with respect to molecular targets and types. The most prevalent products are those that act on the immune system and chemical transmitter signaling, however, no single target holds sway by any clear margin.
The degree of innovation within the therapeutic area pipeline is high, with striking potential for drugs to effectively respond to unmet needs and be highly lucrative. There are 194 first-in-class products in the pipeline, which capture 38% of the 512 products for which the molecular target has been disclosed, acting on 151 unique molecular targets, which is illustrative of the approach being taken in the area.
Encompassing gene treatments, sluggish growth of the visual cycle and antisense treatments, the pipeline seems to be robust and has enormous potential to enhance treatment modalities for ophthalmological diseases.
In-demand research report “Frontier Pharma: Ophthalmology Therapeutics” elaborated by GBI Research gives a comprehensive, unbiased evaluation of the ophthalmologic therapeutic area on a global level.
The study examines first-in-class innovation in the pipeline for ophthalmology, limelighting major trends pertaining to these products’ distribution.
The report describes the present-day commercial and clinical landscape alike, gives a granular overview of disease. It examines the structure of the market for ophthalmological disorders, covering dominant molecule targets and types, and an overview of the actual unmet needs and the ways to address them. The study sheds light on the ophthalmological diseases pipeline and breaks it down by phase of development, molecule target and type. It assesses the clinical potential of first-in-class targets, specifically focusing on the high-potential early-stage targets. Furthermore, the study pinpoints the various commercial opportunities in the respective deals landscape by assessing trends in co-development and licensing deals, and gives a curated list of ophthalmological disorder treatments that are not involved in deals, and may offer potential opportunities to invest in.
A full collection of the publisher’s research reports is available in GBI Research catalogue at MarketPublishers.com.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
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