Economic and Social Changes Caused by Aging Population Discussed by MarketLine in Its New Report Recently Added at
21 Jun 2017 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – The global population is getting older, and some of the global most powerful economies experience catastrophic social challenges as a result. Needs of older people are likely to be amid the hottest issues of the coming decade. Many countries are expected to introduce certain initiatives in order to adapt their healthcare systems, technology investment, social care funds and pension schemes to address needs of this new population of older people. The share of economic output that is absorbed by the needs of the elderly is constantly increasing.
At present, a greater chunk of healthcare spending is invested into care of older people. Therefore, such issues as reduction of drug expenditures, development of more effective treatments and introduction of better ways to fund care, amid others, are the most essential.
Furthermore, it is essential to introduce and develop various technologies that could ensure older people can stay in their home; such technologies present potential massive savings for the healthcare system and open new business opportunities to address modern needs of older population.
New research study “Aging Populations - Overcoming the challenges of a world with a depleted workforce and elderly populace” worked out by MarketLine contains an all-round analysis of the likely impact of the aging population on the economy as well as on healthcare system, pension and social care. The study identifies the major needs of elderly population and also discusses possible reforms that could help to address them. It highlights the major changes required to be introduced to adapt the existing economic infrastructure to the emerging social challenges and also to cope with them. Moreover, the report describes how technology is developing to cater for elderly care at home rather than moving to healthcare institutions.
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Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
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