One Week Left to Shared Services Centers 2016!
14 Sep 2016 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – On behalf of the organizing company, Axiom Groupe, TD The Market Publishers, Ltd. is excited to remind you about a great Event, Shared Services Centers 2016, which will be held at the Hilton Hotel on September 22nd-23rd, 2016, in a must-see European touristic hub, Barcelona, Spain!
Why Attend Shared Services Centers 2016? This forthcoming conference promises to become an outstanding platform gathering a great number of representatives from various outstanding companies (including, PepsiCo, Lufthansa, Orange and more) and more than 40 top level senior executives, decision-makers and leading entrepreneurs. During the Event, all guests and participants will delve deep into the exciting discussion of top business models driving success in the Shared Services World.
Continuous Improvement within the Maturity Model, Implementing an efficient Talent Management Program, Exploit Cross-functional Data, Improving HR in Operational Processes, Customer Service Efficiency are also the burning issues that are included into the conference’s agenda and will be thoroughly examined during Shared Services Centers 2016.
Note! Apart from the official part, all the participants of Shared Services Centers 2016 will be offered a nice opportunity to take part in a Barcelona Innovation Tour and a Cocktail Event at the Campus of IESE Business School!
The organizing company of the Event kindly provides all the Market Publishers’ registered clients with a beneficial 15% discount on the tickets to Shared Services Centers 2016! Please, follow to this page if you haven’t registered at yet.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
[email protected]