Future of Retailing in Different Countries Discussed by Verdict Retail in New Reports Now Available at MarketPublishers.com
18 May 2016 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – TD The Market Publishers, Ltd. is happy to inform that new Verdict Retail studies exploring retail markets across different countries.
In Argentina, retail sales were dominated by specialist retailers as of 2015. They will hold this position in the years to come. The online channel is set to demonstrate incredible growth in the upcoming years, while department stores are forecast to occupy the second position in terms of growth.
In Australia, the lion’s share of retail sales belonged to general retailers as of 2015. They will continue to dominate the market space in the upcoming years. In the meantime, the swiftest growth is expected to be registered in the online channel over the period 2015-2020.
In Austria, general retailers owned the largest share of retail sales in 2015. They are expected to maintain this position in the years to come. Duty free retailers and the online channel are forecast to experience the highest growth over the period 2015-2020.
In Belgium, general and specialist retailers accounted for the largest share of country’s retail sales in 2015. The online channel posted the most rapid growth over the period 2010-2015, and its growth rate will also be high in the years to come.
The research reports offer comprehensive examination of retail markets across different countries. The studies contain detailed overviews of sales trends in each country. They shed light on different product groups (9 product groups in total are covered) and their retail sales. Future projections as well as historical data can be found in the reports, too.
Countries Analyzed in the Studies Include:
- Argentina
- Australia
- Austria
- Belgium
- Brazil
- Canada
- Chile
- China
- Denmark
- France
- Germany
- India
- Indonesia
- Italy
More new studies by our partner are available at Verdict Retail page.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
[email protected]