New Ethylene Oxide Market Studies by Merchant Research & Consulting Now Available at
20 Apr 2016 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – TD The Market Publishers, Ltd. is happy to inform that new ethylene oxide market reports drawn up by Merchant Research & Consulting Ltd. are now available in its catalogue.
As of 2014, the global ethylene oxide production surpassed the 23 million tonnes mark. Region-wise, APAC and North America lead this race, while the USA, China, Saudi Arabia and South Korea are some of leading countries in terms of production.
APAC, Europe and North America are major consumers of ethylene oxide, with their total consumption being approximately 20 million tonnes in 2014.
The global marketplace is primarily driven by strong demand from end-use markets and downstream applications, while crude oil price instability represents one of key factors restraining the market growth.
The European marketplace has gone through a period of significant shortages given logistic difficulties and a large number of force majeure declaration. The situation is expected to become more stable in the nearest term.
The research reports offer deep insights into the ethylene oxide market performance in different countries. The studies cast light on market trends in a country under discussion. They cover EO capacity and its share in regional as well as global markets. Trends in production and consumption are analyzed in the reports, too.
The research studies also shed light on trade dynamics and explore the competitive landscape, besides paying attention to major producers. They contain valuable data on EO consumers and producers and detailed market forecasts.
Countries Examined in the Reports Comprise:
Reasons to Buy:
- keep abreast of the latest trends in different countries’ EO marketplaces;
- trace production and consumption dynamics;
- get access to valuable data on trade;
- find out major competitors in this space;
- learn how each marketplace is set to develop in future.
More new studies by this publisher are available at Merchant Research & Consulting page.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
[email protected]