US Fraud Detection & Prevention and Anti Money Laundering and Account Takeover Sector Analysed in MicroMarketMonitor Report Available at MarketPublish
19 Jan 2016 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – The number of fraud cases has been on the rise recently. However, the key concern is that the losses incurred by these incidents are growing at high pace. Enterprises in such conditions are compelled to take responsive actions. Industries involved in transactions, mainly monetary ones, are key target for fraudsters. The demand for these solutions is considerably high in the banking, financial, insurance, and public industry sectors. Retail, telecom, transportation, manufacturing, real estate, healthcare and education represent the other sector where the penetration rate seems to be high.
The US fraud detection & prevention and anti money laundering and account takeover market is primarily being driven by a hike in online transactions frauds, insurance claim frauds, and card frauds. Authentication will likely remain a key revenue source. On the other hand, fraud analytics is set to grow at more rapid rate in the offing. The increasing adoption in SMEs is anticipated to drive the US market growth.
Key challenges faced by the market comprise, among others, low levels of awareness of fraud possibilities in SMEs, high deployment costs, and unavailability of pre-deployment measures of performance.
Topical report “U.S. Fraud Detection & Prevention and Anti Money Laundering and Account Takeover Market by Fraud Detection & Prevention Type, by End User, By Vertical – Market Trends & Forecasts Till 2019” prepared by MicroMarketMonitor draws up a comprehensive picture of the market on a national scale, and forecast its development over the coming years. It gives an all-encompassing look at the sector in terms of fraud authentication solutions, fraud analytics, GRC solutions, visualisation and reporting tools. Market figures are further broken down across end users and verticals. The study offers deep insights into the vendors and their positioning, as well as the positioning of their competitors, thus helping them understand major opportunities in other regions and industry verticals. An insightful analysis of key market growth driving and restraining factors is included, too.
Report Details:
U.S. Fraud Detection & Prevention and Anti Money Laundering and Account Takeover Market by Fraud Detection & Prevention Type, by End User, By Vertical – Market Trends & Forecasts Till 2019
Date: July, 2015
Pages: 107
Price: US$ 2,650.00
More studies elaborated by the publisher are available at MicroMarketMonitor page.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
[email protected]