Iran Fertilizers Market Analysed & Forecast in New TechSci Research Report Recently Published at
05 Nov 2015 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – Fertilizers play an important role in the agricultural sector of Iran given poor soul fertility of large areas of land available for cultivation.
There are a number of facilities that produce nitrogen fertilizers (e.g. urea). However, local companies cannot satisfy country’s demand for potash and phosphate fertilizers. The latter ones are mainly obtained from overseas players.
The Iranian market for fertilizers is expected to grow at a CAGR of approximately 3.45 percent over the period 2015-2020.
Easing of trade policies and the local government’s aim to reach self-efficiency in staple food crops’ production are amongst key driving forces. Growing demand for specialty fertilizers and rising penetration of complex fertilizers also ignite the growth.
Insightful study “Iran Fertilizers Market Forecast and Opportunities, 2020” drawn up by TechSci Research offers thorough examination of the fertilizers marketplace performance in Iran. The report contains a comprehensive overview of both Iranian and global markets. It provides details on sizing of the Iranian market, market shares and discloses market attractiveness index analysis. The study explores each segment of the marketplace, covers raw materials, a supply chain and import-export dynamics. The research report explores market dynamics and pinpoints market trends and developments. It scrutinizes the competitive landscape and comprises company profiles. The study investigates market opportunities and forecasts, as well.
Report Details:
Iran Fertilizers Market Forecast and Opportunities, 2020
Published: October, 2015
Pages: 108
Price: US$ 3,000.00
More new research reports by the publisher can be found at TechSci Research page.
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Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
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