Comprehensive Market Research Reports by GlobalData Now Available at
13 Oct 2015 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – The Market Publishers, Ltd. announces that comprehensive market research reports elaborated by GlobalData are available in its catalogue.
Power Rental - Global Market Size, Competitive Landscape, Key Country Analysis and Forecasts to 2020. The world power rental market is being driven mainly by increasing demand for power and the financial advantages of renting rather than purchasing power generation equipment. The market revenue is currently USD 8.7 billion, with fast growth anticipated in 2020. In spite of the economic slump during 2009-2013, the market saw double-digit growth, and the market demonstrates no sign of slowing down in the offing. The report presents a detailed analysis of the power rental market globally, with a focus on top countries. Drivers and restraints of each country’s market are reviewed in detail …
MRI Systems Market to 2020 - Focus on Patient Comfort and Operational Efficiency, with Growth Driven by Developing Economies. The world cancer incidence rate surged from 12.7 million in 2008 to 14.1 million in 2012. The number of novel cases is anticipated to increase from 14 million per year in 2012 to 22 million over the next two decades, posting an increase of around 70%. MRI is a key application in cancer detection and monitoring, and its increased usage as a diagnostic modality will likely drive the market globally. In addition, incidence is set to grow by 75% in developed nations and 90% in developing nations by 2030, further fuelling the demand from both markets. More information on the market for MRI systems is available in the report …
PharmaSphere: Emerging Biotechnologies - Stem Cell Therapy. The study provides a detailed analysis of the world stem cells industry. It discusses major development trends, regulatory requirements in different markets, latest deals activity and industry dynamic trends, and also reviews these companies’ operations strategies. Furthermore, it includes a geographic segmentation of different top and emerging markets, presenting a comprehensive analysis of these markets’ regulatory environment, leading domestic players along with their stem cell pipelines, and future outlook …
Global Capacity and Capital Expenditure Outlook for Refineries - New-Build Refinery Pipeline Risks Over-Capacity and Puts Pressure on Refiners. Refinery construction is booming in Asia, with the region having 35 of the 91 presently-planned facilities. This could result in overcapacity pressures on the world refining industry and accelerate the deterioration of Europe’s refining sector. China is planning infrastructure to support expected product demand over the next ten years. The study provides insights into all planned refineries worldwide to 2019, annual breakdown of capex on refineries from 2015 to 2019, planned refinery capacity additions and spending by key countries and operators, capex on new refineries by operator and region …
More reports by the publisher can be found at GlobalData page.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
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Fax: +44 207 900 3970
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