Australia National Broadband Network Examined in New BuddeComm Research Report Recently Published at
02 Oct 2015 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – During 2009-2012, the National Broadband Network (NBN) designed the national FttH network architecture. Legislation and contracts were finalised in 2012 and soon thereafter the rollout began, on the basis of a ‘rolling’ 3-year plan. The election of the Coalition government in 2013 was followed by a political review. As a consequence, the FttH plan was abandoned, and the transition to a multi-technology mix (MTM) solution took place. This is likely to see the ongoing use of both the copper and the hybrid fiber-coaxial (HFC) networks.
Under the novel scheme, FttH is set to connect 26% of premises by end-2020, whilst 44% are expected to be served by FttN and 30% of it will likely receive services through existing HFC networks. Hence, 91% of premises connected to fixed-line infrastructure are anticipated to receive 50Mb/s by the end of 2020.
The NBN was also instructed by the government to focus on serviceable premises as a performance metric, as contrasted to the number of premises passed, in accordance with which a great number of premises had been passed with fibre but could not in practice receive services. The company was serving 6,000 brownfield premises per week by the middle of 2014.
New cutting-edge report “Australia - The National Broadband Network - Moving into 2016” prepared by BuddeComm draws up a comprehensive, unprejudiced picture of Australia’s telecom marketplace, focusing on the national open-access data network – the NBN. The study reviews key political developments in the country, gives detailed information on the NBN company alongside discussing burning technology and competition related issues, among others. It presents granular statistical figures, provides analyses and forecasts to 2020 of the business market, trans-sector market, fixed and mobile markets. The report sheds light on the policies and regulations, details the NBN’s corporate plan for 2014-2018, discusses the 2015 results and examines the network plan. The publication presents insights into the infrastructure plans and contracts; covers FttH, FTTB rollouts and early developments; explores FttN and very-high-bit-rate digital subscriber line (VDSL) plans; gives a detailed analysis of the HFC network; as well as limelights fixed wireless and satellite networks.
Report Details:
Australia - The National Broadband Network - Moving into 2016
Published: September, 2015
Price: US$ 1,100.00
More research studies by the publisher can be found at BuddeComm page.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
[email protected]