New Packaged Food Market Research Reports by Euromonitor International Now Available at
05 May 2015 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON - TD The Market Publishers Ltd informs that new packaged food market studies developed by Euromonitor International have been added to its catalogue.
Packaged Food in Vietnam. The Vietnamese market for packaged food has experienced negative influence of the economic downturn since 2012. To remain competitive, local players work on expansion of their distribution networks and development of new products. Besides, they pay much attention to marketing and promotional activities. In the meantime, the demand for healthy food (including packaged food) has started to increase. The local government provides support to local firms, thus encouraging the market growth. The research report draws up a detailed picture of the Vietnamese market for packaged food …
Packaged Food in India. In India, the packaged food market showed strong growth in 2014 in both value and volumes terms, with the growth encouraged by urbanization, rising disposable incomes, and more. Increasing interest in healthy food among consumers also spurred the market growth. The local market comprises local and international players, but local companies continue to dominate this marketplace. The research study offers an insightful analysis of the packaged food market performance in India. The study uncovers growth sectors and investigates forces driving change …
Packaged Food in Slovenia. The market for packaged food remains under pressure in Slovenia due to the economic crisis. It demonstrated only a minor increase in 2014 due to higher prices. Artisanal products represent the leading market segment, while private label products increase their presence in this lucrative marketplace. Packaged food sales are expected to show a certain increase in the years to come given improvement of the economic situation. The report offers a comprehensive guide to the packaged food market in Slovenia. It contains a detailed overview of the market, its development trends and future prospects, …
Packaged Food in Lithuania. In 2014, the market for packaged food experienced sales growth in Lithuania mainly due to rising real incomes in the country. Local companies represent the most prominent market players, though few categories are dominated by overseas companies. Players offering innovative products benefited in 2014. More innovators are expected to appear in the upcoming years. The research study provides a bird’s eye view of the packaged food market in Lithuania. It contains an all-round overview of the marketplace, investigates its segments and limelights the competitive landscape …
More in-demand reports by the publisher are at hand at Euromonitor page.
The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
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