Electric Motorcycles & Three Wheel Electric Vehicles Market Analysed in by IDTechEx in Report Now Available at MarketPublishers.com
18 Nov 2014 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – In 2014, Harley Davidson’s first e-motorcycle test design drew a lot attention of the public; whilst Toyota’s iRoad, a new three-wheel electric motorcycle, sparked huge interest as well.
E-vehicles producers in China are now offering a range of new three wheel cars, car-like vehicles and e-maxi scooters; moreover, they are offered at just one third of the overall price.
Such leading US vehicles companies, as Brammo and Zero Motorcycles, are steadily turning global and also pulling ahead of other rivals in the world electric vehicles market in terms of vehicle sales volumes. In the meantime, the number of new companies engaged in the electric vehicles industry is increasing on the annual basis.
New electric vehicles, including electric maxi scooters, electric three wheelers and electric motorcycles, are planned to be brought on-stream in 2015. In the same year, such international giants, as BMW and Yamaha, are expected to enter the world electric vehicles market with their new electric vehicles.
Cutting-edge market research report “Electric Motorcycles and Three Wheel Electric Vehicles 2015-2025” drawn up by IDTechEx Ltd includes an all-round overview of the world market for electric motorcycles and three wheel electric vehicles and gives access to forecasts of the industry performance between 2015 and 2025.
The new study offers key details on the market historical performance since 2013 and discloses unique data on the e-motorcycles and e-maxi scooters prices, production units, technologies; uncovers the market values up to 2025. It covers major producers by country and offers information on the companies that are to enter the market in the upcoming years. Besides, the report comprises a detailed description of three wheeler cars segment, discusses the products’ benefits and analyses barriers for novel products adoption. The analyses of such sectors as car-like vehicles, as microev, e-trike, quadricycle, nev and golf car are also presented in the study.
Report Details:
Electric Motorcycles and Three Wheel Electric Vehicles 2015-2025
Published: November 1, 2014
Pages: 133
Price: US$ 3,495.00
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The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
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Fax: +44 207 900 3970
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