Don’t Miss Unique Chance to Participate in 2nd Annual AIDF Food Security Summit: Asia 2014
11 Aug 2014 • by Natalie Aster
LONDON – Market Publishers Ltd is excited to call for participation in The 2nd Annual AIDF Food Security Summit: Asia 2014, taking place from in Jakarta on the 8th and 9th October 2014.
As the global population reached 7 billion, it has had profound implications for development, with considerable effects on urbanization, sustainability and also access to youth empowerment and health services. One of the major implications of overpopulation is significant water and food shortage. In spite of the fact that the economies of the APAC region far out-performing the world’s average economic development, more than 700 million people in the APAC region still live in abject poverty (defined as living on less than USD 1.25 per day).
There are numerous reasons for food insecurity including, among others, rapidly growing number of the global population coupled with increasing consumerism, which naturally is likely to turn out in surging demand for food. On the whole, according to FAO, the world demand for food is anticipated to increase by around 60% by 2050.
The two day summit The 2nd Annual AIDF Food Security Summit: Asia 2014 will unite more than 300 regional governments, NGOs, UN and intergovernmental agencies, investors, research institutes and private sector companies, who will gather to discuss burning issues related to the food security in agriculture and nutrition sectors.
Event Details:
The 2nd Annual AIDF Food Security Summit: Asia 2014
Date: October 8-9, 2014
Venue: Ambhara Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia
The summit is expected to provoke robust debate and also frank information sharing. Besides, it will provide a reliable platform for the formation of strategic collaborations and partnerships. The major aim of these discussions is to lead to certain innovative solutions and best practices, which can be used to tackle the emerging problems associated with the food insecurity in the APAC region. This event is predicted to take the debate a step further and really push them to take certain changes and set a framework for action engaging all actors.
Keynote speakers include: H.E. Dr. Harbrinderjit Singh Dillon (Special Envoy to the President of Indonesia for Poverty Alleviation), Anita Kendrick at World Bank, Katinka Weinberger (Director of CAPSA at UNESCAP), Dr. Klaus Kraemer (Director of Sight and Life), Prateek Gupta (Director at Helen Keller International), Dr. Gatot Irianto (Director General of Agriculture Infrastructure and Facility at the Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia). In addition to well-known global experts this summit also offers unique regional insights from food security experts in Indonesia.
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The Market Publishers, Ltd.
Natalie Aster
Tel: +44 208 144 6009
Fax: +44 207 900 3970
[email protected]