Part and parcel of medicine, Diagnostic Imaging involves the use of electromagnetic waves allowing doctors to see inner body structures for diagnosis. The major techniques include magnetic resonance imaging, Х-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography, single-photon emission computed tomography, nuclear medicine, positron emission tomography, fluoroscopy and mammography.
Worldwide, X-ray represents the most often used imaging modality, with magnetic resonance imaging lagging not so far behind. Rising amount of people going gray and manifold medical imaging breakthroughs are jet-propelling the Diagnostic Imaging Market, which is set to see sound growth throughout 10 years’ time. By end-2016 specifically, the world Diagnostic Imaging Market is predicted to rise to far over USD 26.5 billion in value. North America, particularly the USA, is domineering, followed by the EU and Asia. General Electric Co (GE), Philips Electronics N.V., and Siemens AG rank highest among the mountains of global Diagnostic Imaging participants.
The research reports within the borders of this Catalogue offer insightful analyses and research into the Diagnostic Imaging Market at the world, regional and state levels. The research reports are generously packed with industry statistics, market value/volume data, reviews of industry trends and growth pace. The research reports also survey companies engaged in promoting, making or developing Diagnostic Imaging tools. Additionally, in-depth earnings forecasts and market share data are included in the research reports.
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