Building materials encompass a raft of extremely diverse substances, both naturally occurring and man-made, used for various construction purposes. Steel, glass, plastics, wood and cement are the most frequently used building materials. Wholesalers, dealers and retailers are the principle distributors of building materials. Building materials are broadly divided into two basic groups: general- and special-purpose materials. According to their functions they are classified into: natural masonry, timber and wood, ceramic, heat-insulating, polymer building materials and inorganic binders, mortars and concretes, metals, glass, organic binders and waterproofing, standards and improvements, varnishes and paints.
The population increase, rising living standards, rapid urbanization and constantly enhancing demand for building materials from residential and non-residential sectors are the main propellers of the market growth. The “green” building materials as well as special materials represent the most promising market segments. Rinker Group, DuPont, BASF, Saint-Gobain S.A., Boral and Wienerberger are amid the recognized market leaders.
This MarketPublishers’ catalogue contains research reports covering the building materials market at all geographical scales possible. The studies provide information on the market structure, major forces driving and restraining the market; analyze the market by product type. The reports delve into the competitive landscape and identify key companies dominating different market segments. Moreover, the researches outline possible future development trends for the building materials market.
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